6,500 still without power after Lake Tahoe storm; Power restored to 16,300

Power is back on for 16,300 Liberty Utilities customers tonight after crews have been working nonstop to restore electricity after lines were knocked down during this week's epic blizzard.

As of 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, 6,500 locations are still being tended to.

NV Energy joined Liberty Utilities to address the issues, at times having to snowcat in miles during the height of the storm to replace a power line.

In the photos here you can see the job board at the utility's South Lake Tahoe office at both 2:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m., showing their list of outages being crossed off as restored.

Crews are working as quickly as possible to get to the last outages.

"We cannot guarantee restoration times however, will continue to provide updates as they are available," said Kathy Carter of Liberty Utilities.

There are still some dangerous situations so please do not attempt to remove lines on the ground. Call 911 if you believe downed lines pose an immediate risk or if you have an emergency situation including medical equipment that requires power.

"Thank you to our customers for your patience and to the Liberty Utilities and NV Energy crews who continue to work around the clock to ensure restoration in our service territory as safely and quickly as possible," added Carter.