Teamwork Between the City of South Lake Tahoe, City Employees and Community Applauded

"Its not often you can come to City Council and look back to see how we got where we are today with such incredibly great news in such a short time," said South Lake Tahoe City Manager Nancy Kerry during Tuesday's City Council meeting.

Kerry highlighted the path the city has been on over the last 12 years, from the years leading to the recession, what happened during the recession, and where the city is headed now that there is a net positive cash flow of over $1,000,000.

The City unanimously approved a resolution that authorizes the $1,183,595 positive net fund balance from Fiscal Year 2012-2013 be retained for Community Investment ($334,122) and amending the Fiscal Year 2013-2014 Budget appropriating $250,000 into the Harrison Avenue Project and $250,000 into General Fund.

Kerry warned the Council that the City stills needs to be prudent in their policies and remember what happened to get the city over the tough course from a deficit to a surplus. "It is common for cities to go back and add the services cut, but this can lead to problems again in the future," said Kerry.

"The citizens came to us and asked that we operate as a business, so we did," according to Kerry. She highlighted that they did just that in 2011 when they took several difficult measures including a hiring freeze, budget cuts and a 30% reduction of staffing levels. She commended the city employees for helping in the solution and stepping up to be partners.

"The community came together and developed a shared vision," said Kerry. "Let's stay the course and get it done."

As part of the approved plan, city employees will receive a one time pay adjustment of 2% if they work full time, $250 if they worked 750 hours in the past year. The City Council thanked the City Manager and the employees for their teamwork in helping the City. Kerry's innovative approach has helped improve morale within the city. Both Kerry and City Attorney Thomas Watson have declined the 2% adjustment.

During the public comment period, Steve Teshara made a plea to the community that people need to participate in the solution and this is the time for the whole city to take the team effort attitude that has been displayed. "People need to look at how every little part of the plan affects the whole thing," said Teshara as he urged citizens to look at the whole picture and not just one little part.

Nancy Kerry was applauded for her work over the last 18 months and received a standing ovation by council members, Davis, Conner, Swanson and Laine.

The City will hold a financial workshop that is open to the public on February 10 in the Council Chambers.