Three arrested in South Lake Tahoe; face weapons, drugs and conspiracy charges

A traffic stop in South Lake Tahoe resulted in the arrest of three suspected felons. The driver was armed with a loaded handgun. Shortly after 4pm, on Monday, Feb. 18 South Lake Tahoe Police Officer Travis Cabral conducted a traffic stop in a residential area off of Pioneer Trail after seeing a vehicle driving on the wrong side of the road.

The driver, Brian Morris, of Sacramento, California, claimed to have no identification with him and gave a false date of birth when Officer Cabral checked his drivers’ license status. There was a strong odor of marijuana coming from the vehicle. Inside the car were two passengers, Jeremy Watkins and Michaelann Campbell, also from Sacramento. The driver, Brian Morris, grew increasingly nervous as the traffic stop progressed. Officers Jake Herminghaus and Officer Matt Morrison, with his K9 Partner, Quatro, arrived to back up Officer Cabral. Due to the circumstances, all three suspects were instructed to keep their hands in view.

Suddenly, Morris dropped his hands out of view and began reaching under his seat. Officer Cabral drew his handgun and ordered Morris to show his hands, but Morris refused and continued reaching under his seat. Officer Herminghaus also drew his weapon as Officer Morrison opened the front passenger door and presented his K9, Quatro. It was only then that Morris complied with the orders given by the officers and brought his hands back into view.

A subsequent search of the vehicle revealed a loaded handgun under Morris’, seat next to 27.9 grams of suspected methamphetamine. An additional 5.2 grams of marijuana was found under the drivers’ seat and center console of the vehicle.

Brian Morris was arrested for:
Possession of a controlled substance with a loaded firearm
Possession of a firearm with a prior violent offense
Prohibited person possessing ammunition
Concealed weapon inside a vehicle
Transporting a controlled substance
Driving while under the influence
Providing false information to a peace officer
Resisting arrest
Conspiracy to commit a felony

Both Jeremy Watkins and Michaelann Campbell were arrested for:
Conspiracy to commit a felony and transporting a controlled substance.