Column: Getting Clear on The Life You Want

(Editor's note: Today is the second in a regular feature to South Tahoe Now by South Lake Tahoe-based Certified Wellness Coach and Advanced Integrative Therapist Krista Kline. Visit her website at

You can have the life you want. Seriously. You heard me. You can absolutely have the life you want. But you’re going to need to do some work. Are you ready?

OK. Here we go.

One of the first things I like to ask my clients when I meet them, is, “What is it that you want to be different in your life?” This is obviously an important question if we are going to look at what they want to improve/change in their body, mind and spiritual wellness. Interestingly enough, the response that I get from the majority of the people I work with usually begins with, “I don’t want…” which is many times followed by something like, “to be fat, to be unhappy, to be alone, to be angry, to be afraid, etc.” And the list goes on.

Many of us know what we don’t want in our lives simply by process of elimination, but have very little idea about what we do want. We may THINK we know what we want, but when prompted, a great number of people will immediately go to the negative. I don’t, I don’t, I don’t.

Here’s the problem. In order to get what you want, to get the life you want, to feel the way you want, you actually have to have at least an idea of what you’re looking for, of something you DO want. And then you need to take action.

Think about this for a moment. If you were asked right now what you wanted, what would make your life more fulfilling, would you know? And what I mean by this is do you know specifically what it is that you want to be different? If you want to be happier, do you know how to define it, to begin to attain it? If you want a healthy, loving relationship, do you know what that looks like? Believe it or not, many people struggle to define the changes they are looking for.

Well there it is folks. We need to start getting clear about what we want. Crystal clear! And do you want to know why? Because if you have not stated out loud what you want, if you have not written it down, if you have not asked, if you have not even thought about it, then your life will likely continue to move in the same direction that it has been going for days, for months, for years.

Now, granted, for some of you that may be a good thing. But I have a hunch that for many of you this just isn’t working to your benefit. Or perhaps, one or two areas of your life are working just fine. Perhaps you have a great relationship and a fabulous job but your health is in the toilet. Or maybe you’re in the best shape of your life but can’t seem to connect with others. Believe me, we ALL have areas of our life that could use some work.

You can change your life. Yes, you heard me. And you can begin today.

Now, I need to make something clear in case anyone thinks I’m claiming to make miracles happen. Obviously there are certain situations, health conditions, etc. that are difficult or impossible to change. I am not offering a fountain of youth here. I am not telling you that if you want to look 20 years younger that I have a magic pill. I am not saying that you can make George Clooney (or insert person of choice here) appear with a dozen roses/dinner/tickets to the Super Bowl on your doorstep (though wouldn’t that be cool?!).

However, if you want things to change in your life, whether that means you want to meet that special someone, want to find peace and balance, want to win an Olympic Gold medal or simply want to sip fruity adult beverages from your vacation home in Hawaii, you need to have the vision first. It’s difficult to arrive at the destination of your choice when you haven’t first set the coordinates.

So here’s my simple advice. Start today on your vision plan. Begin to create the life you want and don’t hold back. Plant the seed. Begin by putting the idea out there of one thing, just ONE thing that you want to be different in your life. Think about it. Say it. Write it down. Say it again OUT LOUD. Talk to others about it. Find a mentor, a therapist, or a friend that has made it happen and glean as much as you can from them. Take action. Get help from others around you. You don’t have to do this alone.

This is your life. You can make changes right now to drastically improve your life.

Don’t waste another minute. Start today.

— Writer Krista Kline is a Certified Wellness Coach and Advanced Integrative Therapist. Her mission and passion is to assist individuals in realizing their goals and dreams by clearing away the obstacles that are keeping them stuck. Her unique combination of wellness coaching and AIT helps her clients increase self-esteem, improve relationships, reduce anxiety and fear, transform self-sabotaging beliefs and attain balance and peace. Call (530) 400-6670 now for a free consultation. Visit her website here.

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— Feb. 14, 2012 Column: Falling in Love All Over Again