Column: One conversation can change a life.

One conversation can change a life.

Frequently, victims of violence and abuse hide their reality. It is likely that we unknowingly crossed paths with a victim in our community, as the signs of violence are often hard to detect.

If we wish to make our community a safe and thriving place, it is our responsibility to pause, notice, and support survivors.

At Live Violence Free, we believe that one conversation can change a life. An important part of our work is to educate and spread awareness about domestic violence, sexual assault, and child abuse. By building a more informed community, we can get closer to a violence-free community.

There are many myths about violence and abuse, and the realities are much different. Here are some of those myths:

● Myth #1: Most sexual assaults are committed by a stranger. The majority of
perpetrators are those who know the victim. Approximately 8 out of 10 sexual assaults are committed by someone known to the victim.

● Myth #2: Without physical abuse, it isn’t domestic violence. Abuse is rooted in power and control, and this can be exerted in many forms, including emotional, psychological, financial, sexual, and sometimes physical.

● Myth #3: LGBTQ+ people don’t experience domestic violence. Domestic violence
affects everyone. LGBTQ+ people are more likely to experience rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner at some point in their lives.

● Myth #4: Men are not victims of abuse. The victim is male in 20 percent of the reported cases of domestic violence. The stereotypes that men are always the abuser and women are always the victim discourages survivors who are men from coming forward to seek help or report abuse.

As a community, we can educate ourselves and educate others about domestic violence, sexual assault, and child abuse. Join our one conversation campaign to learn more about the signs to look for in someone experiencing violence and abuse and ways to support them. Become a one conversation champion at

I invite everyone in the community to get involved and support our mission by volunteering, donating, and educating yourselves and others. Together we can empower choices and inspire change.