Some second homeowners to provide housing for those affected by coronavirus

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - In a time when many in the community are upset with the second homers or their renters who came to "shelter in place" in South Lake Tahoe, many of homeowners have come together to provide needed housing to agencies bringing in the essential workforce.

"VHRs for Essential Service Workforce" will be providing housing for 7-29 days for those needed in the community during the coronavirus pandemic, those who need to quarantine for themselves or are in town to assist, and not for any other purpose by owners or guests.

Stuart Roberson, the owner of RnR Vacation Rentals, said his homeowners that normally rent to tourists have been eager to help with community needs.

"Our business has been decimated but we are lucky to be able to offer something to the community and are jumping on it," said Roberson. "Our motivation is truly to be of assistance."

Robertson has been contacting agencies that need or possibly will need to bring in more workers to South Lake Tahoe. Most of the homes are 50 percent off their lowest rates, $75 to $200 a night, and special circumstances are addressed individually.

Most agencies cover the cost of out-of-town employees to stay. Roberson said RnR will be able to staff housekeepers for the homes that may be used, employees that would normally not be working at this time.

For those interested in finding out more, call Roberson at 530.208.5001 or email him at

"This whole program was made possible by the generosity of our second homeowners," sais Roberson. "A third of our owners sighed up for his program within three days of announcing our intent."