Juveniles arrested for vandalism of South Lake Tahoe schools

Two juveniles, ages 14 and 15, were arrested for vandalizing South Tahoe High and Mt. Tallac High Schools. The incidents occurred in May and June in the rest rooms at both schools, the STHS football stadium and on the siding of the school.

The South Lake Tahoe Police Department says there are more arrests to be made.

At the end of May and beginning of June of this year, kids broke into the rest rooms, started fires with paper towels and toilet paper and destroyed the interiors, tagged the exterior walls of the new wing at the school, and toilet-papered the football stadium.

According to Sgt. Shannon Laney of SLTPD, the two juveniles arrested said they stole a bottle of Tequila and drank it prior to some of the acts of vandalism.