Letter: Tahoe Douglas Neighborhood Group seeks signatures on petition to eliminate VHRs

We are a group of neighbors who want to ELIMINATE Douglas County VHRs. The name of our group is Tahoe Douglas Neighborhood Group. Our goal is to eliminate Douglas County VHRs in our residential zoned neighborhoods. We are gathering names on a petition titled “OPPOSITION TO VHRS IN RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOODS We the undersigned residents of Douglas Township want to eliminate vacation home rentals (VHRs) in residential neighborhoods. We find this commercial use of residential homes incompatible with the residential zoning and character of our neighborhoods.”

Please join our effort now. The Douglas County Board of County Commissioners will be voting in October to eliminate or keep VHRS.

We want them to know that we want VHRS Eliminated. Those of you who want to have Douglas County VHRs eliminated please join us.

Email me at helpstopdougcovhrs@yahoo.com to find out how to sign our petition or volunteer a few hours of your time to help gather signatures.


Linda Dengler

The Tahoe Douglas Neighborhood Group will be at the Douglas County VHR Advisory Board meeting to present the case to eliminate Douglas County VHRs in residential neighborhoods. It will be held at 1 p.m. on August 24 at the Round Hill Fire station.