Learn how to grow onions and garlic in Lake Tahoe

Event Date: 
September 28, 2016 - 5:30pm

The UCCE Master Gardeners of Lake Tahoe are holding a free workshop on how to plant and grow fall alliums with a focus on garlics and onions September 28 from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Lake Tahoe Community College Demonstration Garden.

All participants will have the opportunity to go home with an assortment of different garlic and onion varietals that are adept to growing in the Lake Tahoe climate. The workshop is free to attend. Master Gardener Dave Long, will present information on the historical aspects of onions and garlic varieties believed appropriate for cultivation in Tahoe's short growing season.

The Growing Food in Lake Tahoe workshop is part of a larger series of workshops held by the Master Gardners aimed at determining which varietals of edibles are best suited for our unique Tahoe climate. All they ask in return is for participants to stay in touch by sending them photos and updates on how their bulbs are growing.

Popcorn, coffee and hot apple cider will also be provided to add to the beautiful Tahoe fall evening.

For more information and/or in the event of rain please call 530-314-8383 or email: mesuarez@ucanr.edu