
Daylight saving time begins Sunday, time to spring forward!

One sure sign of spring is the annual changing of the clock as Daylight Saving Time begins. On Sunday, March 11, 2018 at 2:00 a.m., most states will move their clocks forward one hour, the 100th anniversary of the Spring time change.

The state of Florida just voted to keep Daylight Saving Time year round, and Arizona and Hawaii don't move clocks forward at all.

CNN researchers came up with the following timeline for the clock change:

1784 - The idea of daylight saving is first conceived by Benjamin Franklin.

1914-1918 - Britain goes on DLS during World War I.

Meyers traffic plan has some success after first weekend

If you drive through Meyers on a Sunday you've most likely come across gridlock traffic through the neighborhoods as vehicles trying to head west after their South Lake Tahoe weekend look for the quickest route, courtesy of smart phone apps.

El Dorado County Supervisor Sue Novasel held a Town Hall meeting on February 28, providing a forum for residents, law enforcement and staff to discuss solutions. One suggestion that came out of that meeting was put into place on Sunday, March 4 and was fairly successful.

South Lake Tahoe man sentenced to 7 years in prison for DUI crash

South Lake Tahoe resident Patrick Bryan Baker was sentenced to seven years in state prison after he pleaded no contest to one felony count driving with a blood alcohol level over .08% and causing injury.

Great snow, blue skies combined for busy Lake Tahoe weekend

No Vacancy signs at South Lake Tahoe lodging properties were prominent throughout South Lake Tahoe this past weekend after tourists headed to town after several feet of snow fell at local resorts

The crowds at Heavenly, Kirkwood and Sierra-at-Tahoe were evident as parking lots were full shortly after opening at each resort.

For a brief time at Kirkwood on Sunday, cars were attempting to park along State Route 88 to gain access to the resort as their lots were full, but the California Highway Patrol (CHP) was on the scene to keep that from happening according to Vail Resorts.

Snow plow off the road near Echo Summit; Road closed until moved

9:15 a.m. update: Highway 50 is reopened Friday morning. The Caltrans snow plow is still down the embankment but crews were able to get it back up on its wheels. They decided to leave the truck down the embankment as traffic was backing up and they will retrieve it at a later time.

Winter Driving Tips

A blast of winter is headed to Lake Tahoe and Northern Nevada and the Nevada Highway Patrol (NHP) is reminding motorists that one of the most important factors to consider when driving in inclement weather is SPEED.

Over the past several weeks the NHP has responded to countless crashes on Nevada Highways as a result of driving in less than idea driving conditions. Many of those crashes involved multiple vehicles and all were preventable.

A common violation during inclement weather is “Speed Too Fast For Conditions”.

EDC Supervisor Novasel holding meeting to discuss Meyers traffic

El Dorado County Supervisor Sue Novasel will hold a town hall meeting on Wednesday, February 28 at the Lake Tahoe Environmental Science Magnet School from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. to discuss solutions to traffic issues in the Lake Tahoe Basin.

Novasel will be joined by County Department of Transportation staff, the El Dorado County Sheriff's Office and County Counsel.

Chad Donnelly, SnowGlobe, updates community on plans

To the South Lake Tahoe Community:

Per the February 6, 2018 City council meeting, the settlement agreement of $250,000 from SnowGlobe was approved for the rehabilitation of the Community Play fields. With the opportunities provided by the cooperative weather and with the ultimate goal of having the field play ready in time for soccer season, city engineers have developed a timeline for the field restoration to start as early as 4/16/18.

NHP kept busy with multiple weather related crashes including 34-car pileup

The weather on Thursday, February 22 kept local law enforcement busy with collisions and stranded motorists on local roadways, During the afternoon hours alone, the Nevada Highway Patrol (NHP) responded to a 19-vehicle crash and a 34-vehicle crash.

At 2:00 p.m., NHP troppers responded to eastbound Interstate 80 about four miles east of Sparks to a call of a four vehicle and one tractor/trailer crash. Upon arrival they found that 19 vehicles were involved, including several tractor trailers with both lanes blocked. Eight people involved in the crashes were transported to area hospitals.

Citizens assist Douglas County deputies after Walmart burglary

Two Reno residents have been arrested on multiple charges, and a warrant will be issued for a third after the Gardnerville Walmart shoplifting incident turned into a lot more.

At approximately 9:30 a.m. on February 17, 2018, deputies from the Douglas County Sheriff's Office (DCSO) responded to the Walmart after three people were seen leaving the store with cameras and camera equipment inside a gray plastic tote. They were seen leaving in a gray KIA with Nevada plates driven by a female.

Solutions being sought to alleviate tourist traffic in Meyers

Holiday traffic leaving South Lake Tahoe this weekend created another bottleneck in Meyers as well as on side roads throughout the area from those attempting to find a quicker getaway. The choices they made Monday created a three-hour drive from the Y in South Lake Tahoe to areas in Meyers.

Highway 50 over Echo Summit is designed to handle 1,200 cars per hour without any issues, but those numbers dropped Monday, February 19. Just how much they dropped is unknown as the traffic counters normally placed over the roadway are removed for snow removal.

Holiday traffic and slick roads keeping tow trucks and law enforcement busy

North Upper Truckee and Sawmill Road have become parking lots Monday afternoon, reminiscent of 2017's problems of ill-equipped vehicles on snow covered back roads.

The California Highway Patrol and El Dorado County Sheriff's Office have spent Monday responding to several calls in the Meyers area of cars stuck on side roads as they attempt to circumvent the backlog of traffic on Highway 50.

Along with those issues there have been several accidents and as of 3:30 p.m, State Route 88 may have to close due to a crash

South Lake Tahoe Police Blotter

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIF. - The following is a recap of activity the South Lake Tahoe Police Department responded to 643 calls for the 23 days between January 16 - February 7, 2018.

Calls Resulting in Arrests/Citations:

Driving on a suspended/revoked license in the 4000 block of Lake Tahoe Blvd
Petty Theft in the 4000 block of Lake Tahoe Blvd
Transient/Homeless at Lake Tahoe Blvd & Herbert Ave

Transient/Homeless in the 1800 block of Lake Tahoe Blvd

Warrant in the 1000 block of Shepherds Dr

Chain controls on Sierra roads; slick conditions causing travel issues

Tow trucks are being kept busy tonight as many drivers are finding difficulty navigating roads around Lake Tahoe. There are currently areas of freezing fog and heavy snow, with whiteouts on some higher elevations roads. With this being a holiday weekend, expect more traffic than normal.

Las Vegas Grand Jury indicts 36 for international cyber crimes

A federal indictment was unsealed last week, charging 36 individuals for their alleged roles in the Infraud Organization, an Internet-based cybercriminal enterprise engaged in the large-scale acquisition, sale, and dissemination of stolen identities, compromised debit and credit cards, personally identifiable information, financial and banking information, computer malware, and other contraband.

NDOT looking for paid summer interns

The Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) is looking ahead to the summer road construction season by accepting applications for paid summer internships through Feb. 28.

The internships provide on-the-job training in civil and environmental engineering, including roadway and bridge design, construction, hydraulics, materials, as well as traffic engineering, environmental stewardship and highway project administration, maintenance and storm water management.

The internships take place May through August 2018 and pay up to $18 per hour, depending on education and experience.

South Lake Tahoe's Sierra Boulevard study released for public review

The Sierra Boulevard Complete Streets Project is slated to start construction as soon as the building season in South Lake Tahoe gets underway in 2018. As part of the process, an The Initial Sturdy/Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) is now up for review and public comment. Comments can be made until March 26, 2018.

Safety along Highway 50 in South Lake Tahoe analyzed

Highway 50 through South Lake Tahoe serves a lot of functions, from a local road for commuters both on bicycles and in cars, to a major highway to transport visitors through the city.

El Dorado County Sheriff's Report

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIF. - El Dorado County Sheriff's Office responds to calls throughout the county. The following are calls that only pertain to the South Shore. There may be some missing calls due to sheriff's logs not being completed at time of story.

Some of those recently added to last week's log:


9:58 a.m. - Petty Theft - Heavenly Village Way - R/P REPORTED A THEFT.


7:32 a.m. - Death Investigation - South Lake Tahoe - 83-YEAR-OLD MALE DECEASED.

Fans don't let fans drive drunk

Law enforcement from both California and Nevada are reminding motorists to not drink and drive, especially during Super Bowl weekend which seen an increase of drunk drivers on the road. As friends and family gather to watch the game Sunday, February 4, please designate a sober driver before the game between the New England Patriots and Philadelphia Eagles begins.

The California Highway Patrol (CHP) and Nevada Highway Patrol (NHP) have teamed up with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to remind motorists to not drive while intoxicated.

Cell phone use and speeding top list of citations issued by Washoe Sheriff's deputies

Washoe County Sheriff’s Office Deputies participating in a Nevada Department of Public Safety Joining Forces Distracted Driving prevention campaign this month cited more than 80 drivers for speeding and 43 drivers for cell phone use.

Joining Forces is a multi-jurisdictional law enforcement program that promotes statewide enforcement in the areas of: DUI, distracted driving, seat belt, and speed and pedestrian safety. The goal of these enforcement campaigns is to save lives by increasing public awareness about the dangers of making poor choices while driving.

Plans to ease North Lake Tahoe traffic during ski season

The snow is falling, and the ski season is about to hit high gear heading toward the big Presidents Day weekend. Will Tahoe roads be ready to handle the traffic?

Probably not. The surge of traffic on Friday nights and Saturday mornings is intense, notably on Highway 89, the only route to Squaw Valley and Alpine Meadows ski areas. Highway 89 was a parking lot at times last year, as were some Truckee streets.

Impaired driving over Super Bowl weekend a focus of law enforcement

Over the next two weeks, Northern Nevada residents can expect to see double or even triple the normal law enforcement presence. The Nevada Highway Patrol has joined forces with law enforcement agencies statewide to crack down on impaired driving, and has an important message for the public: if you’ll be drinking, designate a sober driver, and if you drive impaired, you will be arrested.

El Dorado County Sheriff's Report

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIF. - El Dorado County Sheriff's Office responds to calls throughout the county. The following are calls that only pertain to the South Shore. There may be some missing calls due to sheriff's logs not being completed at time of story.

Some of those recently added to last week's log:


12:24 a.m. - Spousal Battery - South Lake Tahoe - 37-YEAR-OLD MALE SUBJECT WAS ARRESTED FOR DOMESTIC VIOLENCE.


New luxury bus between Lake Tahoe and Bay Area hopes to ease traffic issues

The League to Save Lake Tahoe and the startup transportation service Tahoe Convoy have been working together for over a year to connect the Bay Area and Lake Tahoe with a luxury shuttle.

With heavy weekend traffic in and out of Lake Tahoe, the entrepreneurs looked for a better way to travel, both better for Tahoe locals stuck in traffic jams, and for the visitors who don't have to be behind the wheel, getting frustrated at a standstill.

South Lake Tahoe Police Blotter

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE - The following is a recap of activity the South Lake Tahoe Police Department responded to 336 calls between January 4 -15, 2018.

Calls Resulting in Arrests/Citations:


Trespassing in the 2100 block of South Ave
Evading in the 2800 block of Hank Monk
Domestic Battery in the 3700 block of Tamarack


Domestic Battery in the 3700 block of Tamarck
Unlicensed Driver in the 3700 block of Lake Tahoe Blvd


Spousal Abuse in the 1200 block of Lester ave

Human trafficking – A look beneath the surface

Event Date: 
January 30, 2018 - 6:30pm

The question I get asked the most when sharing that I’m a member of PATH (Partners Against the Trafficking of Humans) is: Is human trafficking happening here in South Lake Tahoe? The answer is yes, although solid numbers are hard to come by. Recently, it was reported in local media that 14 people were arrested and one 17 year old girl rescued from a trafficking ring in El Dorado County that included South Lake Tahoe, Placerville, and El Dorado Hills.

El Dorado County Sheriff's Report

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIF. - El Dorado County Sheriff's Office responds to calls throughout the county. The following are calls that only pertain to the South Shore. There may be some missing calls due to sheriff's logs not being completed at time of story.

Some of those recently added to last week's log:




Meyers Area Plan topic of three upcoming meetings

Meyers, the commercial, public services, and recreation hub of unincorporated El Dorado County at the South Shore may soon have a new area plan and there are three upcoming public meetings on the plan. It could be adopted at the third meeting, the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) board meeting on February 28.

Vehicle fatalities decline, pedestrian and cyclist deaths rise on Nevada roads

The Nevada Departments of Transportation and Public Safety are reminding Nevadans to share the road after Nevada pedestrian traffic deaths rose in 2017 amid a decline in overall statewide traffic deaths.

In 2017, Douglas County had a rise in all deaths on the road: Fatal crashes up from 5 to 9, fatalities up from 5 to 11, alcohol fatal crashes up from 1 to 2, and number of fatalities in those crashes up from 1 to 3.

Busy New Year's holiday weekend in South Lake Tahoe and Stateline

It was a very busy holiday weekend in South Lake Tahoe, with hotels, vacation homes and the slopes full of revelers, along with the thousands of attendees at the three-day music festival, SnowGlobe.

South Lake Tahoe Police Blotter

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE - The following is a recap of activity the South Lake Tahoe Police Department responded to 198 calls between December 13 - 20, 2017.

Calls Resulting in Arrests/Citations:

12/13 - 18 total calls
Warrant in the 1000 block of Johnson Blvd

12/14 - 21 total calls
Unlicensed Driver in the 1000 block of Al Tahoe Blvd

12/15 - 23 total calls
Warrant in the 1000 block of Chonokis Rd
DUI in the 1000 block of Glenwood Way
Trespassing in the 800 block of Michael Dr

El Dorado County Sheriff's Report

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIF. - El Dorado County Sheriff's Office responds to calls throughout the county. The following are calls that only pertain to the South Shore. There may be some missing calls due to sheriff's logs not being completed at time of story.

Some of those recently added to last week's log:



Drivers disobeying "No Parking" and cone zones on Echo Summit

Hundreds of vehicles disobey parking rules along Echo Summit and Highway 50 each winter as they try to find a place to park so people can stop and play in the snow. Their parking on a highway is dangerous, and the California Highway Patrol is trying deter parking to encourage them to park where legal.

Crash on valley side of Kingsbury Grade causing delays

6:50 p.m. UPDATE: Traffic is now moving

* * *
There has been a single vehicle rollover on Kingsbury Grade/SR-207, according to the Douglas County Sheriff's Office (DCSO).

As of 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, December 26, emergency crews were at the scene and traffic is backing up.

It is unknown at this time if there are any injuries.

Traffic heading up Kingsbury Grade/SR-297 has been at a standstill, but according to DCSO dispatch, a single lane of traffic is flowing so alternation of eastbound and westbound travel is expected.

El Dorado County Sheriff's Report

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIF. - El Dorado County Sheriff's Office responds to calls throughout the county. The following are calls that only pertain to the South Shore. There may be some missing calls due to sheriff's logs not being completed at time of story.

Some of those recently added to last week's log:


10:31 p.m. - VHR Violation - South Upper Truckee Rd - VACATION HOME RENTAL. NO VIOLATION OR CITATION ISSUED.


South Lake Tahoe Police Blotter

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE - The following is a recap of activity the South Lake Tahoe Police Department responded to 369 calls between November 28 - December 12, 2017.

Calls Resulting in Arrests/Citations:

11/28 - 26 Total Calls

Driving on a suspended/revoked license at Emerald Bay Rd & West Way
Resisting at Lake Tahoe Blvd & Tata Lane
DUI at Oakland & El Dorado Ave
Assault with a deadly weapon in the 1400 block of Glenwood Way
Unlicensed Driver in the 2800 block of Lake Tahoe Blvd

11/29 - 24 Total Calls

Opinion: Working together on traffic and parking at Lake Tahoe

The rural mountain lifestyle we all enjoy at Lake Tahoe is not isolated from the major urban areas nearby. On a typical holiday weekend, the Tahoe Basin turns into a recreation thoroughfare as tens of thousands of day and overnight visitors who sustain our local economy drive up from the San Francisco Bay Area, Sacramento, and Reno.

Snowglobe reconfiguration to close Al Tahoe Blvd and Bijou Park

12.20.17 update: When closures are in place, Al Tahoe Boulevard will be closed from Johnson Blvd to Pioneer Village to lessen impact on residents.

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIF. - The 7th annual SnowGlobe Music Festival returns to South Lake Tahoe December 29-31, but those attending and nearby residents need to know of changes to the layout, resulting in some road closures.

El Dorado County Sheriff's Report

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIF. - El Dorado County Sheriff's Office responds to calls throughout the county. The following are calls that only pertain to the South Shore. There may be some missing calls due to sheriff's logs not being completed at time of story.

Some of those recently added to last week's log:


9:30 p.m. - Death Investigation - 70-YEAR-OLD MALE DECEASED


1:10 p.m. - Death Investigation - 23-YEAR-OLD MALE DECEASED

Power outage hits South Lake Tahoe and Carson Valley

UPDATE: 1:00 a.m. 12/17/17 - NV Energy has restored power to their customers. It is unknown at this time what caused the four-hour long outage.

* * *
NV Energy is reporting a few power outages to their customers starting at 8:45 p.m. Saturday. At the lake, 4,385 customers are affected, with another 3,300 in the Carson Valley. NV Energy states the problem is from equipment failure and they expect to have power restored by 10:00 p.m.

Lake Tahoe area roadwork December 17 - 23

The following are the Lake Tahoe and El Dorado County road projects being done in the coming week by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans).


2017 Tahoe in Depth issue covers multiple Lake Tahoe challenges and actions

For five years, the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) has been publishing "Tahoe In Depth," a newspaper highlighting Lake Tahoe and how to protect, enjoy and explore the Lake Tahoe Basin. It also highlights environmental accomplishment and projects around the lake.

'Tahoe In Depth' is mailed to all homeowners in the basin and at distribution points around the lake, and is online at

Man arrested on felony DUI charges after crashing into two cars and light pole

A Fallbrook, California man was arrested in South Lake Tahoe Saturday after allegedly driving at a high rate of speed through Stateline while intoxicated before hitting two cars and a light pole.

El Dorado County Sheriff's Report

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIF. - El Dorado County Sheriff's Office responds to calls throughout the county. The following are calls that only pertain to the South Shore. There may be some missing calls due to sheriff's logs not being completed at time of story.

Some of those recently added to last week's log:


Lake Tahoe area roadwork December 10 - 16

As weather permits, the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) has scheduled projects at Lake Tahoe and in El Dorado County. The following are the projects for the week:


Carson City arrest nets 5 pounds of meth and half pound of heroin

Two people face drug trafficking and transportation charges after deputies recovered more than 5 pounds of methamphetamine and around a half pound of heroin during a traffic stop early Wednesday morning, a Carson City sheriff’s deputy said.

Arrested were Kimberly Ann Lopes, 36, and Danny Lyle Jensen II, 38, both of Las Vegas. Each face two level 3 charges of trafficking controlled substances, 1 count each of transportation of controlled substances, and 1 count each of possession of controlled substances for sales.

South Lake Tahoe Police Blotter

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE - The following is a recap of activity the South Lake Tahoe Police Department responded to 416 calls between November 13 - November 27, 2017.

Calls Resulting in Arrests/Citations:

11/13 - 26 Total Calls

Battery in the 900 block of Ski Run Blvd
Warrant in the 3400 block of Lake Tahoe Blvd

11/14 - 28 Total Calls

Battery in the 2500 block of William Ave
Brandishing in the 2200 block of Lake Tahoe BLvd

11/15 - 26 Total Calls

Auto Theft in the 2300 block of Lake Tahoe Blvd

Funds needed to reroute 1.3 miles of Tahoe Rim Trail/Pacific Crest Trail

The rerouting of a 1.3 mile section of the joint Tahoe Rim Trail and Pacific Crest Trail near Echo Summit has been proposed in order to move hikers away from the noisy highway and instead traverse the far side of a ridge that offers more pristine views and less traffic noise.

This will be a partnership between the Tahoe Rim Trail Association (TRTA), the Pacific Crest Trail Association (PCTA), the Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit and the Eldorado National Forest.

El Dorado County Sheriff's Report

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIF. - El Dorado County Sheriff's Office responds to calls throughout the county. The following are calls that only pertain to the South Shore. There may be some missing calls due to sheriff's logs not being completed at time of story.

Some of those recently added to last week's log:




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