Latest Stories
Kindness matters - Some South Lake Tahoe plow drivers being threatened, assaulted
Submitted by paula on Thu, 03/23/2023 - 5:01amSOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - Most of us learned at a very young age to treat others with kindness and respect. We learned how to be courteous.
Remember learning that respect is about treating others the way you would want to be treated, at all times and in all situations?
If COVID taught us anything, we learned that many people missed these important lessons, and the long, cold winter with heavy snowfall has also brought out a new set of bad behaviors.
New issue on SR89 at Emerald Bay - slide sends trees and snow onto bridge
Submitted by paula on Wed, 03/22/2023 - 4:19pmSOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - Highway 89 around Emerald Bay has been closed for weeks due to the large amount of snow needing to be safely cleared from the roadway. Caltrans crews have just hit a significant roadblock in their continued efforts to reopen the highway.
A massive slide has happened and the stretch of road approaching and onto the Eagle Falls Sidehill Viaduct is now littered with trees, boulders, and several feet of snow.
The bridge will need to be cleared of snow and the structure inspected for damages before it can be reopened to traffic.
Lake Tahoe's bears need everyone, locals and visitors, to be "bear wise"
Submitted by paula on Wed, 03/22/2023 - 3:54pmLAKE TAHOE, Calif./Nev. - If bears could read, we wouldn’t need BearWise®.
Bears excel at acting in what they perceive is their best interests: finding food, finding shelter, finding mates, raising their cubs, and coexisting with each other. But they have no clue that avoiding people and people places would be in their long-term best interests.
Reno resident arrested after allegedly stealing purse from car at Lake Tahoe day care
Submitted by paula on Wed, 03/22/2023 - 2:49pmDOUGLAS COUNTY, Nev. - A woman watching a daycare center on Michelle Drive at Stateline on Tuesday allegedly stole a purse from the car of a woman picking up her child at the center. Inside the purse were credit cards and phones.
Tax filing deadline moved for those living in El Dorado County and others under State of Emergency
Submitted by paula on Wed, 03/22/2023 - 12:45pmEL DORADO COUNTY, Calif. - California individuals and businesses impacted by the 2022-23 winter storms have qualified for an extension to file and pay both federal and state taxes until October 16, 2023. There will be no penalties assessed between April 18 and October 16 on payments that may be owed with 2022 tax filings.
Originally the extension was moved to May, but with the onslaught of storms January-March, authorities moved the date out to October 16 to help residents who were coping with the disasters.
This includes:
South Lake Tahoe business licenses issued in February
Submitted by paula on Wed, 03/22/2023 - 10:34amThe following businesses took out a license to operate in South Lake Tahoe during the month of February 2023:
2023/24 parking plans at Heavenly, Kirkwood and Northstar to include reservations and paid parking
Submitted by paula on Wed, 03/22/2023 - 9:27amLAKE TAHOE, Calif. - With winter storms creating epic snow around Lake Tahoe, a result has been road congestion and parking challenges at ski resorts. Vail Resorts announced today that these issues have led them to make changes to their parking plan at Northstar California, Heavenly Mountain Resort, and Kirkwood Mountain Resort for the next ski season.
Tahoe Valley Performing Arts presents Aristocats KIDS!
Submitted by paula on Wed, 03/22/2023 - 8:42amEvent Date:
March 29, 2023 - 6:00pm
SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - Tahoe Valley Performing Arts presents Aristocats KIDS with over 60 Tahoe Valley Elementary students involved. Shows are Wednesday, March 29 and Thursday, March 30 in the Tahoe Valley Thunderbird Theater. The show starts at 6 p.m. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Seats are first come first served unless you have purchased the reserved VIP seats.
Tickets are available at the Tahoe Valley Elementary Office.
Tahoe Valley Families: Adult $5 – Student $3,
Community Families: Adult $7 – Student $5, Special Reserved Seating: 1st Row – $25 2nd Row – $15
Community invited to Passover Seder held at Chabad at Lake Tahoe
Submitted by paula on Wed, 03/22/2023 - 8:27amEvent Date:
April 5, 2023 - 7:15pm
SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - Community members are invited to participate in Chabad at Lake Tahoe's “Relive the Passover Exodus” with Rabbi Mordey and Rebbitzen Shaina Richler on Wednesday, April 5 at 7:15 p.m.
The Seders will feature a rich discussion about Passover, excellent food, and joyous singing. Chabad Rabbi Mordey and Rebbitzen Shaina Richler of the Chabad at Lake Tahoe will facilitate the inter-generational program.
The Seders cost $65 (for locals) and must be reserved in advance, by contacting Chabad at 530.539.4363 or our website at
Alpine County seeks operator for monthly summer Farmer's Market in Markleeville
Submitted by paula on Tue, 03/21/2023 - 7:30pmALPINE COUNTY, Calif. - Alpine County is seeking a qualified operator to produce a monthly Farmer's Market in Markleeville for the 2023 season, June through October. This quaint, historic town is strategically located in the Eastern Sierra and is an ideal location for event activations. The tentative location of the Farmer’s Market is on Montgomery St. between Highway 89 and Laramie Rd. The proposed location will be closed down to vehicle traffic to create pedestrian and vendor access for the event. There are 500 feet of frontage on the north and south side of Montgomery St.
Winners of first round onto second in March Tahoe Trails Madness
Submitted by paula on Tue, 03/21/2023 - 5:54pmLAKE TAHOE, Calif./Nev. - It’s time for round two of Tahoe Trails Madness! As with another popular tournament happening right now, it took a mix of some blowouts and some very close matchups to arrive at the Tahoe Fund Elite Eight.
The Rubicon Trail dominated its first-round matchup over Ellis Peak, receiving 83 percent of the vote. Meanwhile, Mt. Tallac and the Incline Flume Trail each barely survived the first round, receiving under 55 percent of votes in their respective matchups.
TRPA to discuss Incline Village Area Plan change, LTCC dorms, and Cascade-Meeks trail
Submitted by paula on Tue, 03/21/2023 - 3:52pmLAKE TAHOE, Calif./Nev. - Lake Tahoe Community College dorms, the Cascade Lake to Meeks Bay trail, and a possible change to the Tahoe Area Plan for Incline Village are all on the agenda at Wednesday's meeting of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) Board of Directors.
Douglas County seeks VHR permit holder to fill out term on advisory board
Submitted by paula on Tue, 03/21/2023 - 3:02pmDOUGLAS COUNTY, Nev. - The Douglas County Board of County Commissioners is currently accepting applications for one appointment to the Vacation Home Rental Advisory Board. All applicants must be Douglas County residents. The current vacancy is for a VHR Permit holder who resides in the Tahoe Township.
This appointed applicant would serve out the existing term which expires December 31, 2023, at which point, the appointee can re-apply for a 4-year term.
More Lake Tahoe ski areas announce the extension of season
Submitted by paula on Tue, 03/21/2023 - 10:19amLAKE TAHOE, Calif. – With a wild winter season and near-record-setting snowfall across the region, Northstar California, Heavenly Mountain Resort, and Kirkwood Mountain Resort will add additional days to ski and ride season, allowing guests to enjoy an even longer spring season on the slopes this year.
Heavenly will add three full weeks to its schedule, with a new closing date of Sunday, May 7.
Northstar will add two additional weekends, remaining open Friday, April 21 – Sunday, April 23, and Friday, April 28 – Sunday, April 30.
South Lake Tahoe has had over 76 percent of days at below-average temperatures this winter
Submitted by paula on Tue, 03/21/2023 - 9:35amSOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - If you think it's been colder at Lake Tahoe this winter, you're right! Not only have snowfall amounts been above average, but so have the daily temperatures.
Between November 1, 2022 and March 20, 2023, 103 days in South Lake Tahoe saw below-average temperatures out of the 134 days where the temperature was recorded. This is 76.87 percent of the winter.
The cold started early in South Lake Tahoe as November 2022 had 25 days with below-average temperatures at an average of seven degrees a day. Twelve days were below average by double-digits.
Crews continue to work on closed US395 at Mono Lake after multiple avalanches
Submitted by paula on Mon, 03/20/2023 - 10:04pmThis winter has taken its toll on Sierra highways, and US395 is no exception. The road had been closed along the Walker River and near Bishop, and now a series of avalanches along US395 between Lee Vining and SR167 has kept the highway closed for weeks.
The closure is due to multiple avalanche incidents from February 25-28 in the area of the 2016 Marina Fire. About 1/2 mile of the highway was closed by a 30-40 foot wall of snow.
Road Beat: 2023 Toyota Corolla Hybrid AWD SE review - new option for those living in snow country
Submitted by paula on Mon, 03/20/2023 - 8:37pm2023 Toyota Corolla Hybrid AWD SE - Corolla Hybrids receive extra power and are now available with AWD and the flashy SE trim.
What is it?
Tahoe Paradise Recreation & Park District Board Meeting
Submitted by paula on Mon, 03/20/2023 - 8:19pmEvent Date:
March 23, 2023 - 6:00pm
The next Tahoe Paradise Recreation & Park District Board of Directors meeting will be held on Thursday, March 23 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the CCC Building in Meyers.
6. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Project Committee: Greg/Zane
Grant Committee: Judy
Events Committee: Judy/Angie
Budget Report: Tom
World Down Syndrome Day to be celebrated at Sierra House Elementary
Submitted by paula on Mon, 03/20/2023 - 2:13pmSOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - Students and staff at Sierra House Elementary School in South Lake Tahoe will be rocking crazy socks on Tuesday in honor of World Down Syndrome Day and their three students who have Down Syndrome.
Tuesday, March 21 is National Down Syndrome Day, and Sierra House Elementary is celebrating its three students with Down Syndrome, David Munguia Reyes, who is in the third grade, and fourth graders Micah Cooley and Dylan Polan.
South Lake Tahoe Planning Commission to examine taxes to fund affordable housing
Submitted by paula on Mon, 03/20/2023 - 12:54pmSOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - Most can agree that South Lake Tahoe and most communities across the country need better affordable housing options for residents. A problem with the needs is that funding needs to be made available to build the needed units.
Mt. Rose Ski Area at Lake Tahoe offers late skiing on Fridays, spring specials
Submitted by paula on Mon, 03/20/2023 - 12:04pmINCLINE VILLAGE, Nev. - For the rest of the season, Mt. Rose Ski Tahoe will stay open late on Fridays, spinning select chairlifts until 6 p.m. Making the most of daylight saving and incredible snow conditions, the resort is extending its operations by two hours on Fridays to give skiers and riders the opportunity to take “bonus runs” this spring.
The $59 “Ski G.I.F.” Friday Daily Special discounted lift ticket after 12 p.m. makes Fridays even more special with the later skiing and snowboarding PLUS a great deal on tickets.
Letter to the Editor: Republican women host Nevada's chief deputy controller
Submitted by paula on Mon, 03/20/2023 - 11:53amOn March 9, 2023, the South Lake Tahoe Republican Women, Federated hosted its annual Lincoln/Reagan Dinner at The Bistro at the Corner.
After a wonderful dinner, guest speaker James Smack, State of Nevada's chief deputy controller, provided interesting history on President Lincoln and President Reagan. He also alerted the group about the dangers of a new investment strategy being pushed called “ESG” (Environmental, Social, and Governance). Many of the larger banking institutions are investing monies into ESG funds, which are risky at best, he said.
Kudos: Forest Suites Resorts supports Bread & Broth dinner clients
Submitted by paula on Mon, 03/20/2023 - 10:37amSOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - Bread & Broth’s Adopt A Day of Nourishment (AAD) sponsorship was hosted by Forest Suites Resort on Monday, March 13. Thanks to their AAD donation of $300 and sending an excellent sponsor crew to the Monday Meal dinner, over 74 dinners were served to the very grateful folks who came for a hot and tasty meal and the bags of food provided to those who join Bread & Broth's (B&B) weekly meal for dinner.
Killer Klowns From Outer Space: A Tribute
Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 03/19/2023 - 8:01pm
Event Date:
July 8, 2023 (All day) ONE NIGHT ONLY! JULY 8TH, 2023
Event includes: Meet & Greets* with... · Grant Cramer "Mike Tobacco" · Harrod Blank "Rudy" · Mike Martinez "Slim" · John Massari (Film & Video Game Composer).
Please note*: Love Horror Events does not set autograph & merchandise pricing. Autographs & Merch are a separate fee and are set by the artists.
Event includes: Killer Klowns From Outer Space big screen presentation! Q&A with film cast.
Colonial Theatre
3522 Stockton Blvd
United States
See map: Google Maps
Never ending winter at Lake Tahoe - Storm warning, storm watch, rain, snow in the forecast
Submitted by paula on Sun, 03/19/2023 - 5:33pmSOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - The first day of spring is on March 20, and even though we normally experience some snow in March, it often comes after many breaks in the cold weather and glimpses of warmth.
Plan on periods of gusty winds, rain, and snow today into early Monday. After a brief break, a second weather system will move into the region Tuesday and Wednesday with additional Sierra snowfall and mountain travel impacts. Rain and snow are forecast for Lake Tahoe and western Nevada with snow accumulations possible Tuesday night and Wednesday morning.
March Madness tournament for trails at Lake Tahoe
Submitted by paula on Sun, 03/19/2023 - 3:17pmLAKE TAHOE, Calif./Nev. - When it’s not buried in snow, Tahoe is home to an incredible network of trails. Whether it’s the one right in your backyard or the one that requires a permit to access, everyone has their favorite trail in the Lake Tahoe Basin.
Letter to the Editor: Stop EDC supervisors from disbanding Human Rights Commission, ending bias training
Submitted by paula on Sun, 03/19/2023 - 2:35pmEl Dorado County Board of Supervisors is planning to dissolve the Human Rights Commission through the consent calendar on their agenda for March 21 at 10 a.m.
Mountain life clothing company Stio opening in South Lake Tahoe with 3-day party
Submitted by paula on Sun, 03/19/2023 - 1:21pmEvent Date:
Repeats every day until Sun Mar 26 2023 .
March 24, 2023 (All day)
March 25, 2023 (All day)
March 26, 2023 (All day)
SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - Outdoor clothing company Stio is heading to South Lake Tahoe and they are holding a grand opening party from Friday, March 24 to Sunday, March 26.
Created in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, Stio was founded to inspire connection with the outdoors through beautiful, functional products infused with mountain soul. Like life in Tahoe, they draw inspiration from life on the water, the trails, and the mountains.
El Dorado County Public Health: Protecting adolescents with preteen vaccines
Submitted by paula on Sun, 03/19/2023 - 12:58pmEL DORADO COUNTY, Calif. – The El Dorado County Health and Human Services Agency, Public Health Division is reminding parents of the importance of preteen vaccinations.
“Vaccines are one of the best ways to avoid serious and deadly diseases, and can even stop some types of cancer,” said Dr. Nancy Williams, El Dorado county public health officer. “Ensuring that preteens have the vaccines they need can protect them now and into adulthood.”
Carson Valley Medical Center changes name to Carson Valley Health
Submitted by paula on Sun, 03/19/2023 - 12:51pmGARDNERVILLE, Nev. - When Carson Valley Medical Center’s journey began, they set out to serve the community with compassion, personal connection, and dependability. They said they've been proud of their progress, but when it comes to reaching new altitudes in healthcare, their attitude is – let’s keep climbing.
Now they have a new name but the same commitment.
Column: How important is a colonoscopy?
Submitted by paula on Sat, 03/18/2023 - 11:19pmA colonoscopy is a potentially life-saving preventative screening test. Its primary role is preventing or finding colorectal cancer when it’s most treatable. Recommended every 10 years starting at age 45, a colonoscopy allows your provider to see problems such as inflammation or bleeding in the large bowel, and it can be life-saving if a tumor or precancerous growths, called polyps, are detected.
Tahoe Climbing Coalition to bring Reel Rock 17 Film Tour to South Lake Tahoe
Submitted by paula on Sat, 03/18/2023 - 11:09pmSOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - Despite all the snow on the ground, the climbing season is approaching quickly! The Tahoe Climbing Coalition (TCC) has lots of stewardship days and community socials planned once the trails and rocks emerge, but in the meantime, they invite the community to join them at their showing of the Reel Rock 17 Film Tour.
El Dorado County Sheriff's Office calls at Lake Tahoe
Submitted by paula on Sat, 03/18/2023 - 10:34pmSOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - El Dorado County Sheriff's Office responds to calls throughout the county. The following are calls that only pertain to the South and West Shore, including Meyers, South Lake Tahoe, Meeks Bay, Tahoma, and the Echo Summit area. There may be some missing calls due to sheriff's logs not being completed at the time of the story.
March 9 - March 15, 2023
07:27 SNOW TOW - Occurred at Wailaki St/Nahane Dr, in South Lake Tahoe. Disposition: ASSISTED.
Tickets now on sale for Zephyr Cove Elementary School's Night in Tahoe
Submitted by paula on Sat, 03/18/2023 - 9:49pmEvent Date:
March 28, 2023 - 5:30pm
The Zephyr Cove Elementary School (ZCES) Parents Club invites the community
to join them for its annual fundraising event Night in Tahoe on Tuesday, March 28, 2023, from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Tahoe Beach Club. Tickets are on sale now for $75 each and can be purchased online at
Barton Health purchases Quick Care Tahoe in South Lake Tahoe
Submitted by paula on Sat, 03/18/2023 - 12:20amSOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - Barton Health has announced they have purchased Quick Care Tahoe and it will become part of the Barton family this spring. In early 2021, Dr. Steven Leman and his partners Sean Bishop and Jonathan Raymond (Quick Care Tahoe, LLC) opened the medical business at the South Lake Tahoe "Y" at 2074 Lake Tahoe Blvd.
El Dorado Board of Supervisors vote 3-2 to disband Human Rights Commission
Submitted by paula on Sat, 03/18/2023 - 12:15amEL DORADO COUNTY, Calif. - Even though there was overwhelming support voiced for keeping the El Dorado County Human Rights Commission, the supervisors took a first vote to dissolve the five-year-old commission through the adoption of a new ordinance. Supervisors Brooke Laine and John Hidahl were the only two to vote in favor of keeping the commission, with Supervisors Lori Parlin, John Turnboo, and Wendy Thomas against.
Giga Bite Robotics FTC Team from South Lake Tahoe victorious at Nevada State Championships
Submitted by paula on Fri, 03/17/2023 - 7:10pmSOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - A FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) youth robotics team from South Lake Tahoe emerged as a member of the winning team at the Nevada State Championships earlier this month. Local Team #20681 Giga Bite with partners VC Silver Circuits and MCII formed the winning alliance and battled it out against 29 other teams from across the state and nearby regions.
Column: Weathering Tahoe's storms
Submitted by paula on Fri, 03/17/2023 - 8:06amTahoe’s perseverance has been on full display over the past weeks as residents, businesses, plow drivers, and emergency responders have managed a dangerous and exhausting confluence of atmospheric rivers and winter weather. While we welcome the snowpack and the water it brings, the intensity at which it arrived has major downsides for our communities and the lake.
Tahoe Community Church is holding an Easter Egg Hunt
Submitted by paula on Fri, 03/17/2023 - 8:03amEvent Date:
April 8, 2023 - 10:00am
The community is invited to join in the Tahoe Community Church's Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 8 at 10 a.m. This fun event is open to ages 1-12 and it is free.
There are eggs and golden eggs with special prizes.
The church is located at 145 Daggett Way off Kingsbury Grade in Stateline, Nev. Call or text Jacky a 775.901.0870 with any questions.
Barton Health Foundation donates 8 lifesaving AEDs to South Lake Tahoe schools
Submitted by paula on Fri, 03/17/2023 - 7:25amSOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - The Barton Health Foundation, as part of its Heart Safe Community program, recently donated eight automated external defibrillators (AEDs) to aid in the response of heart issues to the Lake Tahoe Unified School District (LTUSD). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 2,000 young, seemingly healthy people under age 25 in the United States die each year of sudden cardiac arrest.
Wild & Scenic Film Festival On Tour returns to South Lake Tahoe
Submitted by paula on Fri, 03/17/2023 - 7:17amEvent Date:
April 1, 2023 - 1:30pm
SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - Since 2006, Sierra Nevada Alliance has welcomed visitors to Lake Tahoe for the Wild & Scenic Film Festival On Tour. While things have been different for the last few years, they are bringing the festival back fully in person.
Forest Service advises caution at Taylor and Tallac creeks in South Lake Tahoe
Submitted by paula on Thu, 03/16/2023 - 7:52pmSOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif - Due to the atmospheric rivers impacting the Lake Tahoe region, the USDA Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit (LTBMU) and the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) are advising the public to avoid the Taylor-Tallac Restoration Project area adjacent to the southwest end of Lake Tahoe.
Epic collaboration to prevent a sewer spill at South Lake Tahoe
Submitted by paula on Thu, 03/16/2023 - 7:41pmSOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. – This winter, Lake Tahoe has experienced the third-highest snowfall on record, with more on the way. Last week’s warm atmospheric river caused structural collapses, avalanches, and extensive flooding around South Lake Tahoe. Of particular concern is a flooded sewer pump station on the Upper Truckee Marsh. Epic collaboration resulted in a solution to address flooding and help prevent a sewer spill.
Placer County to hold meeting on Kings Beach Western Approach Project
Submitted by paula on Thu, 03/16/2023 - 7:29pmEvent Date:
March 21, 2023 - 6:00pm
KINGS BEACH, Calif. - Placer County will be holding an informational meeting on the Kings Beach Western Approach Project at 6 p.m. on March 21 at the North Tahoe Event Center in Kings Beach. County staff will present a status update on the project, followed by a question-and-answer session.
The meeting will be live-streamed on Zoom for those who are not able to attend in person. Participants can also call in by dialing 1-877-853-5247 and enter meeting ID: 934 6043 9518.
LTUSD holds inaugural State of the District and Community Conversation
Submitted by paula on Thu, 03/16/2023 - 6:55pmSOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif - Almost 150 members of the community attended Wednesday's first of what Lake Tahoe Unified School District (LTUSD) leaders hope to be the annual State of the District/LCAP Community Conversation.
Attendance was more than double expectations and attendees heard a presentation from LTUSD leadership, participated in interactive tabletop conversations and heard from local leaders.
EL Dorado County woman sentenced to 90 days in jail and community service in animal cruelty case
Submitted by paula on Thu, 03/16/2023 - 12:58pm
EL DORADO COUNTY, Calif. – El Dorado County resident Sandra Tidwell pled guilty to felony animal cruelty charges and was sentenced this week to 90 days in jail and 250 hours of community service.
When a search warrant was served on the 50-year-old's home in El Dorado Hills in July 2022, animal services officers found 25 German Shepherd and Husky breed dogs living in deplorable conditions, including 15 adult dogs and ten puppies at Tidwell’s property where she was illegally keeping the animals inside her 1,200 square foot home.
Kudos: Boys and Girls Club of Lake Tahoe thanks Vail Resorts Epic Promise
Submitted by paula on Thu, 03/16/2023 - 12:31pmSOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. – The Boys & Girls Club of Lake Tahoe (BGCLT) is excited to announce a grant has been received from the Vail Resorts Epic Promise program. A yearly supporter of the Club, Epic Promise has awarded the BGCLT a grant for the past seven years consecutively.
The 12th atmospheric river of the winter is heading to California and Lake Tahoe
Submitted by paula on Thu, 03/16/2023 - 11:22amSOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - Enjoy the sun, quiet and calm while it lasts around Lake Tahoe as storms are hanging out on the horizon.
Cool, dry weather is in store to end the work week, but a couple of quick and weak storms will bring a chance of mountain snow and gusty winds this weekend. It is after the weekend when there is potential for a larger, stronger storm (sorry).
California Tahoe Conservancy grants $250,000 to tackle invasive plants
Submitted by paula on Thu, 03/16/2023 - 10:47amSOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. — The California Tahoe Conservancy (Conservancy) Board approved a $250,000 grant to Tahoe Resource Conservation District (Tahoe RCD) for aquatic invasive plant surveillance and rapid response in Lake Tahoe.
“Aquatic invasive species threaten wildlife habitat, water quality, and recreation opportunities at Lake Tahoe,” said Adam Acosta, Conservancy board chair. “We’re excited to support Tahoe RCD’s efforts to detect and remove invasive plant infestations to help protect the Lake.”
El Dorado County Senior of the Year nominations now being accepted
Submitted by paula on Wed, 03/15/2023 - 11:03pmEL DORADO COUNTY, Calif. - Do you know an outstanding adult or married couple 60 years or older performing exemplary work in the community as a volunteer?
Hosted by the El Dorado County Area Agency on Aging and the El Dorado County Commission on Aging the annual “Senior of the Year” award will be presented to the nominated volunteer by the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors in the Board of Supervisors Chambers on Tuesday, May 16, 2023.
- Nominees must be El Dorado County resident(s) and 60 years of age or older