First South Lake Tahoe City Council meeting of the year: Recreation center, trash, electricity
Submitted by paula on Mon, 01/09/2023 - 11:32am
SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - The South Lake Tahoe City Council will be meeting for the first time in 2023 on Tuesday, January 10. They will be in closed session at 8 a.m., with the regular meeting starting at 9 a.m.
In-person and remote access are both options. The meeting will be held at Council Chambers at the airport, 1901 Lisa Maloff Way. To watch live, visit
As part of every meeting, the council will start off with a recognition of employees hitting a milestone of five, ten, fifteen, twenty, and twenty-five years of service. This meeting will honor Christopher Cable, Patrol Operations with the SLT Police Department with five years of service.
On the consent calendar, they will vote on receiving $203,142 in Domestic Violence Program grants for the police department and Live Violence Free; applying for up to $10M in grants for the Sugar Pine Village Phase 2A affordable housing project; and receive an annual report on the Bijou Area Erosion Control Project.
During its last meeting, the Council voted to have 5:30 p.m. starts if only one meeting in a month, otherwise it is the first meeting at 9 a.m., the second at 5:30 p.m.
The regular calendar includes:
Appointing community members to the Arts, Culture, and Tourism Commission; Building Board of Appeals; Police Advisory Commission; Planning Commission;
Parks & Recreation Commission; Independent Citizens' Oversight Committee. They will provide direction for the re-solicitation of applications to the Airport Land Use Commission.
The Council will receive an update on the recreation complex. After not getting a favorable bid through the publicized process last year, the City will put the project out for a re-bid prior to construction beginning in 2024.
South Tahoe Refuse will have a presentation on a new state-mandated 3-cart system and estimated costs. They seek a support letter from the City in order to secure financing for capital upgrades necessary to deploy the program starting in 2024. SB 1383 mandates every refuse company institute the three-bin system, green for yard waste, blue for recyclables, and grey/black/bear-resistant for other waste. Each material will require a separate truck to collect. The City received a waiver for curbside food
waste, but still required to collect/recycle yard waste.
They will vote on an ordinance for a one-year electric franchise agreement with Liberty Utilities. Last year the Council voted to seek changes to a five-year franchise agreement and wanted it, and a year-year extension, upon satisfactory cooperation on advancing the City's Climate Action Plan and renewable energy goals and expediting undergrounding of electric utilities. The one-year agreement would be in place as terms for the longer one are accomplished. Also on the table could be a discussion of the feasibility of creating a municipal electric utility.
Also on Tuesday's agenda is an ordinance that would amend the South Lake Tahoe City Code to authorize prequalification and design-build contracts, giving greater flexibility for the procurement of public works projects. The ordinance would allow the prequalification of contractors prior to issuing an invitation to bid and would allow design-build procurement of City buildings and parks and recreation facilities over $1 million, consistent with state law.
For the full agenda in Spanish and English, and instructions on how to participate, visit