Christmas lights on the Meyers tree destroyed by lightning; Fundraising drive started

Event Date: 
December 5, 2014 - 5:00pm

For the last three years there has been a Meyers community Tree lighting ceremony but in order to have the fourth annual event many Christmas lights are needed.

During a lightning storm this year, most of the lights were destroyed. In order to replaced them, the Meyers Community Foundation is raising money.

The tree lighting ceremony is scheduled for Friday, December 5 at 5 p.m. Everyone is invited to see Santa arrive on a special sled, enjoy cookies, popcorn and hot chocolate and help light the tree's 10,000 lights.

If you'd like to donate, please make your check out to the Meyers Community Foundation and mail it to MCF, P.O. Box 550278, Meyers, CA 96155. The donation levels are below. Your name will be included on the 2014/2015 Community Donation Plaque located next to the tree:

$25 -- Bronze
$50 -- Silver
$100 - Gold
$250 --Platinum

They's like donations by November 30 to ensure all names will be posted to the plaque. For more info, visit the foundation's website .