Maximize Revenues During SnowGlobe Music Festival

With SnowGlobe set for the weekend, attendees have already begun arriving into town. According to an article in the Tahoe Daily Tribune, we can expect an estimated 40,000 festival goers. As a business owner, you will definitely want to greet them with open arms December 29-31.

Here are some recommendations to help you leverage this opportunity:

1. Consider a SnowGlobe theme

a. For restaurants – feature a special menu item
b. For retail – stock up on warm winter clothing (hats, gloves, and scarfs)

2. Extend your business hours to ensure you generate the most revenue possible
a. The festival hours are 3-10pm on Saturday & Sunday, and 4:30pm Monday -12:30am Tuesday.

3. Use signage — announce that you are offering a special for attendees

4. Be well staffed and give great customer service

5. Offer specials and promotions
a. This is an outdoor music festival – think hot cocoa, tea, and cider
b. Have an array of quick carry-out food options available

6. Connect with festival organizers and attendees online, get connected!

7. Enjoy a prosperous New Year!