Letter: Why am I voting for Brooke Laine?

“Why am I voting for Brooke Laine?”

Brooke is familiar with the district and its residents, having served for years on local boards and foundations, such as the Tahoe Conservancy, Waste Management, Ambulance JPA, the Education Foundation, as well as belonging to Soroptimists.

A former Mayor and City Council member, she is committed to reaching meaningful solutions to our district’s issues, such as fire safety, snow removal, housing, vacation home rental enforcement, and health care.

She works hard to understand people’s concerns and is pledged to build the community’s trust to get things done.

“Why am I voting for Brooke Laine?” Perhaps the real question should be, “Why wouldn’t I vote for Brooke Laine for Supervisor of El Dorado’s District Five?”

- Frank Riley