Letter: Beavers are vital to Lake Tahoe, no depredation permits should be issued

I was incredibly disappointed to learn of the destruction of a beaver dam and the request for a depredation permit regarding the beaver living in the meadow adjacent to Tahoe Beach Club. Luxury condominiums should NEVER be prioritized over a keystone species such as beavers, an endangered plant like the Tahoe yellow cress, or the health of a watershed vital to the water quality of Lake Tahoe.

Beavers provide an essential role in watershed health, encouraging an increase in habitat vital to numerous other species, including amphibians, fish, and waterfowl. They also play a significant role in something that greatly concerns our human population - fire safety. Many localities are currently reintroducing beavers onto the landscape for their unique ability to help sequester groundwater, keeping vegetation green and less likely to ignite.

Yet here in the Tahoe Basin, we have relegated these important and beautiful animals to just a few tiny and fragmented locations; labeling them a "nuisance" elsewhere and significantly decreasing their ability to provide these positive benefits. It is unconscionable that we would consider killing any member of this species. It should not even be a consideration that it be moved, as it is contributing significantly to the health and fire protection of the area. This project should never have been approved - bulldozing workforce housing to build multi-million dollar condos on a sensitive riparian area home to an endangered plant species is the exact opposite of thoughtful environmental processes. We certainly shouldn't prioritize corporate interest and monies over our wildlife and environment now.

Melissa Soderston
Director, Tahoe Forests Matter