AAUW Tech Trek Recap

Event Date: 
September 28, 2022 - 4:30pm

The Tech Trek Campers are taking charge! Come see the program they have created themselves on Wednesday, September 28 at 4:30pm in the Board Room of Roberta Mason Library Building at Lake Tahoe Community College. Find out what they learned including all the technology necessary to share their pictures and experiences with us. We had campers, a counselor, a dorm mother coordinator and program presenter, all representing South Lake Tahoe at the UC Davis camp. It was the 21st year of AAUW Tech Trek, originated in California, and sponsored by AAUW on college campuses in many states. Your generous donations provided their camperships and now we get to enjoy the fun of living it vicariously. AAUW (American Association of University Women) invites you to join us Wednesday September 28 at 4:30 pm.