bicycle laws

Bike Pointers for a Smooth and Comfortable Ride

Biking season is in full swing for mountain and road riders alike. Here are a few pointers to keep you riding smoother, safer, and more comfortably throughout the season!

Don’t wear underwear under bike shorts. I’ve had this conversation with several patients and it's worth mentioning, loudly and boldly. Bike shorts are supposed to be worn commando and without undergarments. It decreases chafing from seams and makes the ride more pleasant. I promise!

NHP Keeping an Eye on Bicyclists and Motorists on the Road

The Nevada Highway Patrol recently stepped up enforcement of Nevada's Share the Road laws, pulling over 200 motorists who violated the law and issued them warnings.

Now its turn for the NHP to turn the tables and watch for bicyclists not in compliance.

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