blade runner

South Lake Tahoe man headed to international Jiu-Jitsu event

In March of 2014, the South Lake Tahoe community rallied behind its native son, Ryan Wallace, and raised $25,000 to get him a new prosthetic leg.

By 2016, Ryan's active lifestyle got the attention of Amputee Blade Runners and he was fitted with an blade runner leg, allowing him to compete in the Endeavor Games in powerlifting, discus, shot put and sitting volleyball.

Tahoe man headed to compete in the Endeavor Games

The South Lake Tahoe community pulled together behind Ryan Wallace in 2014 when he needed to buy a new prosthetic leg, which even at a discounted $25,000 was out of reach for the native man.

At the age of 19, Ryan had to have his leg amputated due to a rare form of bone cancer. The leg he received was wearing out after ten years, and the community helped Wallace buy the new one so he could walk and get back to coaching wrestling to the youth of the town.

Evolution isn't pretty

Philosophy and sci-fi monsters collide in this latest Ridley Scott directed feature, his first bite at the sci-fi apple since "Blade Runner." The script explores the idea that human life arose f...

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