First Amendment Legal History

History in the Neighborhood: Dangberg Ranch

South Tahoe Now is starting a new series of stories about historical places to visit, all within a couple of hours drive from South Lake Tahoe.

The Sierra Nevada and Carson Valley are rich in history. I knew this growing up, but never really appreciated it until I was well into adulthood. Having lived in South Lake Tahoe for over 35 years , I continue to learn about the area’s history and historical points of interest, and appreciate the previous residents more every day.

Rotary Club of South Lake Tahoe Lunch Meeting

Event Date: 
September 19, 2012 - 12:00pm

Join the Rotary club of South Lake Tahoe for lunch and a presentation from Minden Rotarian John Carne, a retired lawyer, speaking on the First Amendment legal history.


in the Tahoe Keys Marina
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