lake tahoe bike challenge

Tahoe Bike Challenge riders log over 45,000 miles

LAKE TAHOE, Calif./Nev. - Over 300 locals and visitors took part in the 15th annual Tahoe Bike Challenge, biking 45,442 miles during the month-long event. The Tahoe-basin wide challenge was a friendly competition that annually encourages individuals and teams to track trips and miles completed on their bikes.

“Congratulations to all of the winners and riders,” TRPA Transportation Planner Kira Smith said. “Although this year looked a little bit different, we hope the Challenge inspires people to bike and walk through the rest of the year.”

20,000 miles pedaled during Lake Tahoe Bike Challenge

During the first two weeks of June, Tahoe Regional Planning Agency and Lake Tahoe Bicycle Coalition teamed up to lead the 14th annual Tahoe Bike Challenge. 285 people took the challenge and biked 20,420 miles at Lake Tahoe.

The basin-wide challenge is a friendly competition that encourages individuals and teams to track trips and miles on their bikes. Starting June 1 and running through June 14, Tahoe Basin bikers prevented an estimated 6,945 pounds of carbon dioxide from escaping into the atmosphere.

14th annual Tahoe Bike Challenge June 1-14

It appears Mother Nature will be offering some great biking weather for the hundreds of participants in the 14th annual Tahoe Bike Challenge June 1 - 14. The two-week basin-wide event is a team-based challenge to encourage everyone to ride and experience the benefits and joys of cycling.

The event is co-sponsored by the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) and Lake Tahoe Bicycle Coalition/

Bike challenge week riders pedal 11,215 miles and save $2,493 in gas purchases

During the first two weeks of June, participants in the 13th annual Lake Tahoe Bike Challenge traveled 11,215 miles on foot or on bicycle, burning an estimated 482,245 calories and preventing an estimated 12,105 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions and $2,493 in gasoline purchases.

Organized by the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency and Lake Tahoe Bicycle Coalition, the basin-wide Bike Challenge is a friendly competition to see what individuals and teams can rack up the most trips and miles by biking, walking, or taking transit instead of driving cars.

Help clean South Lake Tahoe bike trails

Event Date: 
June 17, 2017 - 9:30am

Volunteers can meet at one of three locations throughout South Tahoe to pick up litter from the areas around our bike paths. Then we’ll get together at the League to Save Lake Tahoe office for a free lunch and celebration. All ages are welcome and all supplies will be provided.

We encourage volunteers to ride their bike, which also makes you eligible to enter a free raffle for a chance to win prizes!

Learn more and sign up for a location at

Tahoe Bike Challenge kicks off with party and historical bike ride

The 11th annual Lake Tahoe Bike Challenge was officially kicked off with a ceremony at Lakeview Commons Wednesday afternoon. A small crowd gathered for what was the second kick-off party which culminated in a group bike ride.

Proclamations were read by both El Dorado County Supervisor Sue Novasel and South Lake Tahoe Mayor Pro Tem Austin Sass, both celebrating alternative modes of transportation on the South Shore.

Tahoe Bike Challenge Celebration

Event Date: 
June 25, 2014 - 5:30pm

People got out of their cars and onto their bikes as part of the Tahoe Bike Challenge over the last two weeks. From June 7th through the 20th, teams and individuals racked up miles, saved money, kept CO2 out of the air, burned calories and had fun.

There will be a cycle celebration on Wednesday, June 25 at the Heavenly Village near the gondola from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. to celebrate the challenge. The band Sierra Drifters will entertain the crowd as awards and prizes are handed out. A bike valet will be on site so everyone can ride in and continue what they started.

Tahoe Bike Challenge Starts on Saturday

Join hundreds of your friends, neighbors, co-workers during the 2014 Tahoe Bike Challenge, an annual event that encourages Lake Tahoe residents to get out of their cars and onto bikes.

The event starts off on Saturday with a Bike Trail Clean Up Day. Anyone can join them at three locations after signing up,and lunch is even included. Meet at Sierra Nevada Alliance at 2311 Lake Tahoe Blvd, Los Angeles and Hwy 50 by the fire station or behind Clean Tahoe, 2074 Lake Tahoe Blvd. Lunch will be served after the clean up day at the League to Save Lake Tahoe.

New Goals Set For Lake Tahoe Bike Challenge

The 7th annual Tahoe Bike Challenge sets new goals for the 2012 event scheduled for June 4-15th. The Bike Challenge is a Tahoe Basin-wide campaign that challenges everyone to ride their bike to work, school and during play and errands in lieu of using the automobile.

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