open meeting laws

Buyer has one week to close escrow on Kingsbury Middle School sale

The sale of Kingsbury Middle School to Lake Parkway LLC is still on, for now.

At a special meeting of the Douglas County School District Monday, the board voted unanimously to give the buyer until Monday, July 31 to come up with the rest of the $3.15 million purchase price for the middle school which has sat vacant since the 2008-09 school year.

Op/Ed: County Planning Commission against Open Meeting law requirements

In a stunning step backwards from transparency the El Dorado County Planning Commission, holding a difficult to attend morning week-day workshop on the Draft Meyers Area Plan at City Hall in South Lake Tahoe on October 16, 2014, recommended yesterday that any new Meyers Area Advisory Council formed by the Board of Supervisor after adoption of a Meyers Area Plan not be subject to California’s Open Meeting Law, the Brown Act.

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