oral cancer

The Cancer You Haven’t Heard About

April 12 to 18 was national Oral, Head, and Neck Cancer Awareness Week. Cancer from the neck up is typically associated with the tongue, throat, and voice box. But oral, head, and neck cancers can also occur in the mouth, lips, thyroid glands, nasal cavity, or sinuses.

Traditionally, tobacco and alcohol users were considered the populations at greatest risk. Now, according to new research from the American Academy of Otolaryngology, about ten percent of new cases of oral cancer is attributed to human papillomavirus, or HPV, a sexually transmitted infection.

Oral, Head, and Neck Cancer Awareness Week

April 20 to 26 marks the 17th annual Oral, Head, and Neck Cancer Awareness Week. In 2014, 55,000 Americans will develop cancer of the head and neck. Though 13,000 people will die from this disease, most cases are preventable.

Causes of Oral, Head, & Neck Cancer
Tobacco use is the most common and preventable cause of head and neck cancer. Tobacco products include cigarettes, snuff and chewing tobacco. Switching from smoking to smokeless products only changes the risk of lung cancer to a risk of oral cancer.

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