presidential campaign

Jeb Bush makes stop in Carson City

Former Florida Republican Gov. Jeb Bush said he is not concerned with billionaire and reality television star Donald Trump’s recent surge in the polls at a campaign stop in Carson City Friday.

First debate sets up moment of high-risk theater

DENVER - President Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney come face to face for the first time in this presidential campaign Wednesday night for a nationally televised debate that will give mil...

Big ad money flowing into Nevada for presidential campaign

Nevada Lt. Governor Brian Krolicki is Romney's man behind Lake Tahoe Olympic Bid

It’s been a long time since the Golden Days of Lake Tahoe. It was the 1960s, to be exact, after the 1960 Olympic Winter Games in Squaw Valley, when the Nevada-California ring of resorts caught on with nation and world. While always a relatively consistent draw for second homeowners, skiers, campers and gamblers, the destination clutch suffered its fair share of downturns during the A-frame era and general ups-and-downs of the ski industry through the years.

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