
South Lake Tahoe residents, along with rest of state, continue to conserve water

Despite near average rainfall in much of Northern California this past winter, 60 percent of the state remains in severe or extreme drought. Groundwater basins and many reservoirs are badly depleted as the state’s drought grinds into a fifth year. Those living in, and visiting, South Lake Tahoe, have enjoyed higher water levels to view, boat and recreate in.

Nine Decades of South Lake Tahoe Memories

Movies were in a Quonset hut where movie goers had to bundle up to fight the cold. Lake Tahoe was full of one way roads and a 2 room school. The switchboard operator knew where all 50 winter residents were at all times. Cattle walking down Highway 50.

The history of the south shore came alive last week at the Camp Richardson Lodge during the Lake Tahoe Historical Society’s “Do You Remember?” series.

California community colleges to ration classes

Posted by admin in News on December 28th, 2011 | no responses. By Nanette Asimov, San Francisco Chronicle. During World War II, there was food rationing. ...www.laketahoenews.net/.../california-commun...

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