ski patrol dog

Kudos: Thank you for a wonderful day!

Last week we had the opportunity to attend a field trip at Heavenly Mountain Resort. Thanks to a grant written by STEEC member, Devin Middlebrook (TRPA Environmental Education Specialist), EPIC Promise (through Vail Resorts – Heavenly) covered the cost of transportation, lift tickets for the tram ride, use of snowshoes, and presenters. The day was well planned and all went smoothly.

We learned much about our environment including local animals, avalanche safety and snowmaking. And luckily we enjoyed a “blue bird” day at the top of the tram!

Heavenly Valley Ski Patrol K9 has cancer; fundraising campaign started

Summit, an integral member of the Heavenly Ski Patrol for the last ten seasons, is facing an uphill battle after being diagnosed with aggressive firbro-sarcoma two weeks ago.

A fundraising campaign has been started to get the $5,000 to $10,000 needed to be treated at UC Davis with radiation and for follow-up care. The cancer began in his eye socket and has now infiltrated his sinus cavity.

Doctor's gave Summit two weeks to live without intervention, but his owner Colton Terry wanted to do all he could to let the dog who had helped so many "become an old man."

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