way finding

Tahoe Paradise Recreation & Park District Board of Directors meeting Thursday

Event Date: 
May 31, 2018 - 6:00pm

The monthly meeting of the Tahoe Paradise Recreation & Park District Board will be on Thursday, May 31 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the park located at 1011 E. San Bernardino.

Agenda items include the following:

Availability of online forum from CSDA/Dane Waddle update from CSDA -
Consideration of covering park volunteers with Workers Comp.
Paddle Board Concession Request
Deck and pathway update
Donation letter and Thank you letter Templates
Interpretive signs update & Budget
Community Park Projects List
Forest thinning Project Update and firewood

Tahoe Paradise Recreation & Park District Board of Directors meeting Thursday

Event Date: 
March 29, 2018 - 6:00pm

The board of directors for the Tahoe Paradise Recreation and Park District will hold their monthly meeting on Thursday, March 29 in the park's clubhouse starting at 6:00 p.m.

Here is the meeting agenda:


Rescheduled Tahoe Paradise Park meeting

Event Date: 
March 8, 2018 - 5:00pm

Last week's snowstorm postponed the meeting of the board of directors of Tahoe Paradise Recreation and Park District. It has been rescheduled to Thursday, March 8 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Tahoe Paradise Park, 1011 E. San Bernardino.

The agenda for that meeting includes rules and regulation updates lower park parking lot winter preparation, the July 7 triathlon, signage, projects, forest thinning, amphitheater and dock projects, Lake Trail project, Music in the Park, grants, way finding and more.

Tahoe Paradise Recreation and Park District meeting Thursday

Event Date: 
December 7, 2017 - 7:00pm

The next board meeting of the Tahoe Paradise Recreation and Park District (formerly Tahoe Paradise Resort Improvement District) will be held at the park's clubhouse on Thursday, December 7 at 7:00 p.m.

Included on the agenda is discussion and action on a new director, a name change for the park and other items including interpretive signs, community park projects, a forest thinning project, park host for summer 2018, Music in the Park and way finding signage.

The public is invited.

Bike Way Finding Signs Being Tested in South Lake Tahoe

Have you noticed the new, blue signs placed along some of the South Lake Tahoe bike trails? They are part of a pilot way finding sign project to help cyclists between Kingsbury Grade and Meyers.

There are currently eight signs up in four locations, so people using the trails can see the directions from opposing views.

According to Steve Noll, community planning consultant with Design Workshop, “the international best practices for way finding signs consist of four elements known as 'The Four D’s: distance, direction, destination and distinction'."

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