yes on Measure B

Letter: Learn the facts, become informed and vote YES on Measure B

I support the upcoming Measure B and believe all voters should be informed as to the importance of passing this $52/year bond issue. As a 47-year resident, I have developed a very high degree of respect for and confidence in the Lake Valley Fire Protection District and it’s publicly elected Board of Directors.

Letter: Let's give our firefighters a chance to be successful!

Another tax. Another agency short funds. Every year someone needs more money. I get it, it gets old. Why didn't they budget better? They have a multi-million dollar budget, why can't they make it work?

Letter: Encourage all residents to vote Yes on Measure B

I have been a resident in Lake Valley Fire District's jurisdiction for 29 years. Fortunately, my family has never had to use their services. But even so, I appreciate the value of quality, highly-trained Firefighter/Paramedics. I would guess that those many individuals whose lives they have saved would agree. To effectively perform their jobs, they need the best equipment possible and the funding to obtain it.

I am fully in support of Measure B and encourage all residents to vote YES!

Jamie Rhone, Meyers

Letter: Yes on Measure B

We would like to urge voters to vote YES on Measure B.

Our Lake Valley Fire Protection District is vitally important to our daily lives, and their firefighters deserve to have safe equipment and apparatus. They are only asking for $52 per year, which is just $4.33 per household per month. Most of us spend more than that in one trip to Starbucks. Let’s help our firefighters!

Letter: YES on Measure B to Keep Tahoe Blue and Safe

If you live in Tahoe, the threat of fire is constantly ping-ponging around in the back of your mind – a dull nagging feeling that’s tough to pin down.

Letter: I'm voting YES on Measure B

This letter is in response to Toni Hall and Tom Yant whose letters were printed on 2/14/20 (“Why I will be voting ‘No’ on Measure B” and “LVFPD needs to budget for equipment from its big lard pot”). I want to begin by saying YES on Measure B!

I have to wonder if either of them contacted Lake Valley Fire Protection District with their questions, as their information is misleading and incorrect. Our Fire District is available to talk with you about Measure B (530-577-3737), or you can go to their website (

Letter submitted to Chief Alameda, LVFPD

Dear Chief Alameda:

Here’s my take on Measure B, please correct me if I am out of the ballpark.

Revenue for LVFD for FY 18/19 was $6.8 million/year.

Salaries/wages paid out were a whopping $5.3 million including Overtime: $175,000 and Other Pay including Bonuses: $591,000.

Equipment purchased last year: $77,000.

This year, 2018/19: Equipment budgeted: $22,000.

It is fairly obvious where all the money went: into salaries/wages and benefits.

Letter: Yes on Measure B for Lake Valley Fire Protection District

Dear El Dorado County voters,
A little over a year ago, I was asked to serve on the Lake Valley Fire Protection District’s Feasibility Committee for Measure B. I represented you—the homeowner, citizen, and taxpayer. I would like to share a little about what I learned about the Lake Valley Fire Protection District and about Measure B.

Most importantly, I learned that our Lake Valley Fire Protection District is in dire need of our help in order to maintain their current excellent and top-notch level of service, and to sustain a healthy future.

Letter: Meyers Area Council urges "yes" vote on Measure B in March

The Lake Valley Fire Protection District (LVFPD) firefighters are our friends; they are our neighbors, they are kids we went to school with, they are our softball teammate, and most importantly, they are our saviors in times of need. During the Angora Fire in 2007 some of them sacrificed their own homes to save ours, and more recently they provided vital help and support at the Camp Fire and prevented the oil tanker fire from spreading further than Hwy 50. Our community is safer because of LVFPD firefighters, but these firefighters are not safe in their jobs.

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