National Thank A Police Officer Day to be recognized in South Lake Tahoe

In light of recent ambushes and assignations of police officers across the country, some South Lake Tahoe residents are organizing a local event on National Thank A Police Officer Day September 19.

Organizer Daniella Flatau is trying to create awareness in South Lake Tahoe by showing support for the police officers who protect and serve their community, and to help boost officer morale.

People are encouraged to show up at the South Lake Tahoe Police Station on Saturday at 1:00 p.m. to thank officers. Flatau suggested people can show support by bringing "goodie" bags with packaged treats, thank you cards, by wearing the color blue, bringing letters from children or just stopping by to shake an officer’s hand.

This event will be held just after the parade is ending in nearby Bijou Park and Flatau would like to see participants and viewers to stop by the station for a few minutes to give thanks.


South Lake Tahoe Police Department
1352 Johnson Blvd., SLT
United States
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