Alpine School District seeks bids for Diamond Valley School modernization project

After the passing of a school facilities bond in 2018, the Alpine County Unified School District is moving forward on the modernization of Diamond Valley School. The district is requesting sealed bids for the Diamond Valley School - Modernization Building A project and they must be received prior to 2:00 p.m., on February 17, 2021.

Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope, marked with the Bid number and title, and returned to the Alpine County Unified School District, 35 Hawkside Drive, Markleeville, Calif. 96120, Attn: Cathy Allen OR Capitol Public Finance Group, 1900 Point West Way, Suite 273, Sacramento, CA 95814, Attn: Cathy Allen.

Bids received later than the designated time and specified date will be returned to the bidder unopened. The District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals or any combination thereof and to waive any informality in the bidding process.

A link to the Notice to Bidders and all bid documents may be obtained from Kim Demongey, HMR Architects, at Bid documents are also available at the following exchanges:
El Dorado Business Exchange,
Placer County Contractors Association,
Sacramento Builders Exchange,

To ensure notification of any addenda and for questions please contact Kim Demongey,, or 916-736-2724.