Public invited to 'Those That Survived' Chautauqua with Soroptimist of South Lake Tahoe club

Event Date: 
January 10, 2024 - 12:00pm

The Soroptimist International of South Lake Tahoe club is holding its weekly meeting on Wednesday, January 10 from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. and they have invited the community to attend and see their special program, Those That Survived.

The Chautauqua performance of the Donner Party's James and Margaret Reed will be portrayed by local authors and historians, David and Gayle Woodruff. Of the 87 members of the infamous Donner Party that attempted a crossing of the Sierra Nevada during that frightful winter of 1846, over half survived. The heroism, courage, and sheer determination of a few can be credited with the survival of many. Against all odds, James and Margret Reed, brought all four of their children alive through the terrible ordeal and rescued dozens of their fellow pioneers in their fight to remain alive.

David & Gayle Woodruff have lived in the Lake Tahoe and Eastern Sierra area for most of their lives. They are the authors of eight books on Eastern Sierra history, including the popular Tales Along El Camino Sierra series, and are also presenters of a variety of local history programs. When not researching or writing, you’ll probably find them out hiking in their beloved Sierra Nevada.

The event will take place at the South Tahoe Association of Realtors (STAOR) offices at 2307 James Avenue, South Lake Tahoe, Calif. It is free to attend but people have the option of purchasing a lunch for $15. See here for details.