COVID-19 cases for South Lake Tahoe and El Dorado County

EL DORADO COUNTY, Calif. - There have been 338 new cases of COVID-19 and two new deaths recorded since yesterday in El Dorado County. This brings the total of COVID-19 cases in the county to 22,640. This does not include at-home tests that may have been positive.

There are now 148.4 new cases of COVID-19 per 100,000 residents in the county.

There is an interactive dashboard for the county with extra details here: See HERE.

Pollock Pines, Camino, Kyburz - 1188 cases - +22
El Dorado Hills - 5124 cases - +70
Diamond Springs, El Dorado - 1062 cases - +15
North County - 1195 cases - +12
Greater Placerville - 3908 cases - +58
Cameron Park/Shingle Springs/Rescue - 4015 cases - +51
South County -329 cases - +5
Lake Tahoe region - 5270 cases - 81

(25) awaiting address confirmation (total awaiting address confirmation is 549)

57 aged 0-17, 166 aged 18-49, 69 aged 50-64, 46 aged 65+; (0) date of birth unknown (total date of birth unknown is 19)

755 additional negative test results
224 assumed recoveries (17,915)
4570 assumed active cases

To date, 182 El Dorado County residents have died from COVID-19. There were two new deaths recorded today. This count does not include deaths still under investigation.

The newly recorded deaths:
Female, 50-64 from Lake Tahoe Region
Male, 65+ from Greater Placerville

There are 19 (+6) hospitalized with 6 (+1) in the ICU in El Dorado County. Barton Hospital has 7 hospitalized COVID patients, Marshall Hospital in Placerville has 12. Barton has 2 ICU patiensts, Marshall has 4. There is no tracking of patients transferred from El Dorado County hospitals to regional hospitals, or county residents at other hospitals.

Currently, the State's website says there is 1 available ICU bed in the county, 0 at Barton Health in South Lake Tahoe, 1 at Marshall in Placerville. Bed capacity fluctuates daily based on many factors; therefore, the data posted on the State's site may not be an accurate depiction of the current situation.

Case rate: 148.4 per 100,000 (-1.8)
Positivity rate: 25.7% (=.1%)
Health equity quartile positivity rate: 33.2% (+3.0%)

Vaccine measures (based on county population, eligible and not eligible). There are currently 180,786 residents age 5+ that are eligible:

Cumulative fully vaccinated: 114,069 (59.1%) (+.2%)
Cumulative with at least one dose: 125,730 (65.1%) (+.1%)

As of Tuesday, January 18, 2022 (updated on Tuesdays):

7-day average daily case rate among El Dorado County residents who are not fully vaccinated: 231.8 per 100,000 (+97.8)
7-day average daily case rate among fully vaccinated residents in El Dorado County: 103.4 per 100,000 (+40.1)
Estimated number of post-vaccination cases to date: 3,549 (+805)