Letter: Vacancy tax has misleading title on the ballot

Dear Editor: Election integrity is critically important for the preservation of democracy and the conduct of fair, honest, and open elections.

Initiatives by arguably well-intentioned city residents should be given accurate ballot titles so that voters know what is being proposed and what they are being asked to sign. The City Council needs to ensure that whatever title is given is accurate. The proposed initiative on second homeowners is now titled, “AN INITIATIVE MEASURE TO ESTABLISH A TAX ON OWNERS OF VACANT RESIDENTIAL UNITS IN THE CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE” is false and misleading.

One needs only consult the dictionary to understand “vacant residence” to mean a property that is not occupied and contains no personal property. If there is a bed, a chair, and a table where a person could sleep and eat (and they intend to return) then it is no longer “vacant”.

Voters of the City are being misled by the title to believe that the targeted homes are essentially abandoned. Second homeowners and investors in our community should not be treated this way.

I and others are requesting that the City Council step up and intervene and direct City staff to amend the title to ensure that it is accurate and not deceptive. Our voters deserve better.

Thank you.

David Jinkens, MPA, CMC.
Good Government Advocate
Full-time City resident