Letter: Misleading verbiage on VHR ban signature gathering a concern, action can be taken

Dear Editor: The proponents of the so-called “VHR Ban” initiative in Douglas County have submitted the signatures gathered over the past few months. The signatures will be reviewed by the office of Douglas County Clerk Amy Burgans to verify if they are those of registered voters within the county as required by Nevada state law.

We remain concerned that at least some of these signatures were gathered based on false or outright misleading information. For example, the petition’s “Description of Effect” required on each signature page states, “it is estimated that eliminating vacation home rentals (VHR) in residentially zoned areas in Douglas County, Nevada would result in an approximate net cost of $0 to the Douglas County taxpayers, annually.”

This statement is false. During their October 19, 2023 meeting, Douglas County Commissioners formally determined the direct cost to taxpayers, should the initiative pass, would be $2.1 million, annually. This amount includes $811,865 in VHR permitting fees and $1,294,678 in TOT revenues. Permitting fee revenue supports the County’s VHR enforcement program, but it seems the proponents don’t care that any remaining enforcement program would have to come from one or more other County funding sources.

More broadly, the total amount of TOT and lodging surcharge revenue lost could total some $5 million, based on the VHR and surcharge revenues generated in fiscal year 2022-23. Services and facilities provided by the Parks and Recreation Department could lose over $1 million. This information is also based on the County staff report prepared for the October 19, 2023 County Commission meeting.

A recent survey of VHR users in Douglas County confirmed the overwhelming majority won’t stay in hotels. They prefer to cook their own meals and stay together with family and friends in one dwelling unit. This is not possible at a hotel. If VHRs are no longer allowed in the Tahoe Township (only one VHR rental in the Township would remain under the initiative), they will find the accommodations they desire elsewhere. Sales tax and related revenues will also decline, dealing another blow to County revenues. Will the County then need to assess higher taxes on its residents? That answer could potentially be yes.

Given the above facts, if you signed the petition and feel you were misled, you can formally withdraw permission to use your signature. Here’s how: Complete the form entitled, “Request to Remove Name from Petition” on the County Clerk-Treasurer’s website: cltr.douglascountynv.gov/clerk under Elections then under Petitions. You can deliver your signed request to the Clerk’s office on the 2nd floor of the Historic County Courthouse, 1616 Eighth Street, in Minden, or at the Stateline General Services office at 175 U.S. Highway 50. Or you can fax your signed request to the Clerk’s office at 775-782-9016. Or simply visit either Clerk’s office and request the form to complete. To ensure timely submittal, we recommend doing so as soon as possible, no later than Friday, January 26th.

Steve Teshara
Tahoe Chamber