Antisemitic hate speech once again makes its way into South Lake Tahoe City Council meeting

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - There was a return of antisemitic hate speech during Tuesday's South Lake Tahoe City Council meeting. During the public comment period a person by the name of "Levi" phoned in and spent his four minutes of allowed time spreading hate against Jewish people.

"I am appalled at the hate-filled speech reportedly shared at South Lake Tahoe City Council’s meeting on Tuesday, February 13, 2024," said Rabbi Evon J. Yakar of Temple Bat Yam in South Lake Tahoe. "It is frightening to experience such hatred directed at our community and the Jewish people and cause for concern. We count on others to stand up and not be silent in the face of hateful words and actions."

Several of those who spoke during the public comment period after "Levi" expressed their dismay at the subject of his talk. Councilmembers also followed with calling out the unacceptable speech.

The City Council and El Dorado County Board of Supervisors condemned the hate speech that filled meeting chambers across the country last fall. Everyone should feel welcome and safe to not only attend meetings but to be a part of a community, South Lake Tahoe included.

"Those comments have no place here," said one caller. "Hate against all people, all kinds, is not acceptable."

"Over the last several months, our congregation has experienced hate, and the support of the wider community continues to strengthen us," said Yakar. "I want to express gratitude to the South Lake Tahoe City Council members who are on record condemning the hate speech and anti-semitic comments that occurred during the meeting. In moments like these, Temple Bat Yam, our local Jewish congregation, with more than forty years of history, is grateful for the many partnerships around our community and region."

In November 2023 the City held a Unity Walk against hate, and a proclamation was read at that time:

City of South Lake Tahoe
Recognizing “Hate Has No Place in South Lake Tahoe”
November 21, 2023

Whereas, the City of South Lake Tahoe in the County of El Dorado, California, stands for respect for all people, including all groups as defined by race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, caste, or any characteristic; and

Whereas, we stand for honor of all traditions and cultures that compose our American democracy and common life; and

Whereas, we reject hate in all forms, and we choose compassion and justice to create a prejudice-free community; and

Whereas, we collectively promote respect, embrace human difference, and elevate our common values to enable our residents to live, work, and thrive with belonging and without fear; and

Whereas, we acknowledge that “hate” is intense hostility or ill will that defies the humanity of both those who are hated and those who hate; and that courageous action taken to dispel hate has the potential to encourage the
humanity within all people and groups of people; and

Whereas, we know that “prejudice” is belief formed without actual experience and without reasonable basis, and that hateful prejudice de-humanizes through stereotyping, demonization, oversimplification, and other abusive
ideas and actions, including hate speech; and

Whereas, we acknowledge “hate speech” as abusive or threatening speech or writing that expresses prejudice and hate; and

Whereas, we know that “antisemitism” is hate toward people who are Jewish, and that antisemitism de-humanizes individuals through stereotyping, demonization, oversimplification, and other abusive ideas and actions, including hate speech; and

Whereas, we acknowledge that antisemitic hate speech was promulgated at the September 26, 2023, meeting of the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors, during public comment by individuals via Zoom technology; and

Whereas, we denounce hate in all forms, including antisemitic forms; and
1. pledge to stand up against hate, discrimination, and violence in all forms and support victims of hate incidents, including hate speech;
2. encourage open dialogue and respectful conversations to bridge divides and promote understanding across individuals and groups of people;
3. celebrate the richness of our community and the strength that human variety brings to our city;
4. commit to working together, in partnership with all civic bodies to create a prejudice-free, safe, and healthy environment for all people.

Therefore, the City Council of the City of South Lake Tahoe do hereby proclaim that “Hate Has No Place in South Lake Tahoe”, at all times and in all places, and call upon government officials and all citizens and visitors
to create a prejudice-free, safe, and healthy environment for all people.