Survivors of Suicide support group formed in South Lake Tahoe

Event Date: 
March 23, 2017 - 6:00pm

Sometimes in life, events occur that fracture the very foundation on which we stand. Life, as we have known it, is forever changed and we find ourselves in an unexpected struggle, first just to survive and then to move forward.

The Suicide Prevention Network has formed a new Survivors of Suicide loss support group that will meet at 6:00 p.m. on the fourth Thursday of each month at the Barton Health Public Relations office located at 2092 Lake Tahoe Blvd. Suite 400 in South Lake Tahoe.

The group provides healing support for people coping with the shock, excruciating grief and complex emotions that accompany the loss of a loved one to suicide. Suicide Prevent Network will provide the resources to help survivors deal with, and eventually heal from, what may well be the worst pain ever endured.

SOS is free of charge and open to anyone who has lost a loved one to suicide. For more information, contact Debbie Posnien or Alisa Merino, 775.783.1510, or at and