Douglas County Commissioners seek feedback on strategic plan

The public is being asked for feedback as Douglas County moves forward on planning their next four years. Their new strategic pan will be the roadmap on directions for the County and its Board of County Commissioners.

The commissioners and staff met on February 6, 2017 to review survey feedback from residents and map out new strategic priorities. Infrastructure, organizational sustainability and financial stability were all identified as top priorities. Economic vitality; safe community; and natural resources, culture and quality of life were also categorized as priorities.

After the initial workshop, Douglas County staff and elected officials met again on February 28 to finalize the strategic plan draft. The group broke down each strategic priority and finalizing each initiative in detail. The draft plan will now go to the Board for initial review and direction prior to beginning the FY 17/18 budget review process at the end of March.

The survey allows for the public to comment on each strategic priority and its initiatives. There is also an open section to provide additional feedback. Online public input will be considered prior to the finalization of the plan later in April.

To provide input on the Strategic Plan draft visit: