Reno to address climate change in growth policies

The strategic plan crafted by the Reno City Council this week will include a measure to ensure that climate change is addressed in the city's policies on growth.

At the council's day-long retreat Tuesday, Councilman David Bobzien argued climate change and the drought are already affecting city resources and poses a threat to the council's goal of providing "sustainable services."

"There's straight up city stuff we've got to be doing on this," Bobzien said, rejecting a suggestion that it should be left to other governmental entities."

"We have a city asset that it's value is changing because we don't have snow," he continued, referring to the city owned ski park Sky Tavern. "What are we doing with that? This is a theme and a thread that runs through a whole bunch of what we do. We have to be more intentional about examining it."

He won immediate support from other council members.

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