South Lake Tahoe Tourism Improvement District board meeting and candidate forum

Event Date: 
March 24, 2022 - 1:00pm

The next meeting of the South Lake Tahoe Tourism Improvement District (SLTTID) will be held on Thursday, March 24 at 1:00 p.m. It will be held both in-person at the LTVA Conference Room, 169 Highway 50, Stateline, and via Zoom.

It will serve as a "Meet the Candidates Forum" for openings on the SLTTID board.

Candidates for the five-member board are:

The 5 current board members
Jerry Bindel, Forest Suites Resort
Rich Bodine, Hotel Azure
Bill Cottrill, Lake Tahoe Resort Hotel
Lisa Underwood, Tahoe Keys Resort
Doug Williams, Cedar Pines Resort
Kathleen Mason, Holiday Inn Express
Jodie Guttrich, Marriott
Rachel Thayer, Beach Retreat
Shachar Birendorf, the Washoe Lodge


Regular Board of Directors Meeting
1:00 pm, Thursday, March 24, 2022

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 871 7635 6370
Passcode: 311158 One tap mobile
+13462487799,,87176356370#,,,,*311158# US (Houston)
+16699009128,,87176356370#,,,,*311158# US (San Jose)

• Call to Order
• Roll Call
• Introduction of Guests and Staff
• Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting
• Approval of Agenda
• Public Comment (Non-Agenda Items, 5-Minute Limit)


• Discussion/Possible Action
• Update on Memorial Day Weekend Music Event (TID committee member and/or LTVA staff)
• SLTTID Candidate Statements and Q&A Session
• Other Updates
• Board Member Comments
• Public Comment (Non-Agenda Items, 5-Minute Limit)
• Adjournment