Learn how to play Pickleball at SLT Recreation Center Saturday

Event Date: 
April 2, 2016 - 2:00pm

Pickleball, one of the fast growing games in the world, has made it's way to the South Shore, and everyone can get in on the fun Saturday, April 2 at the South Lake Tahoe Recreation Center.

The epidemic now sweeping the United States because everyone can play, both young and old. This is the one sport where men and women play equally, and it is a year round sport with very little financial burden.

According to USA Pickleball Association (USAPA), Pickleball is a highly contagious, progressive and incurable disease. USAPA estimates there are approximately 200,000 infected people worldwide. Unlike other epidemics of this scale, pickleball occurs primarily in developed countries. While rarely fatal, the disease has enormous impact on the lives of infected individuals and on society as a whole.

Everyone is invited to learn the basics of playing during the Pickleball Open House at the Rec Center at 2:00 p.m. Cost is $6 for adults and $5 for seniors. Includes access to the entire Recreation Center for the day and Pickleball paddles and balls provided.

"It’s easy to learn and a blast to play," according to local enthusiasts.

The SLT Rec. Center is located at 1180 Rufus Allen Blvd.