NDOT to host public meetings to gather input on U.S. 395 Southern Sierra Corridor Study

The Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) will host a virtual meeting and in-person public meetings to gather public feedback on proposed options for improving U.S. 395 between southern Carson City and the Nevada-California border at Topaz Lake.

Those interested can visit ndotus395.com or attend one of two public meetings for information and to submit feedback.

-Virtual meeting option: Visitors can view project information and provide comments by visiting the virtual public meeting at ndotus395.com anytime from April 8- May 9, 2024.

Or, those interested can opt to provide feedback via one of two in-person meetings:

- In-person options: Two in-person open house public meetings will be held on the following dates.
- Tuesday, April 23 between 4-7 p.m. at the Douglas County Community and Senior Center located at 1329 Waterloo Lane in Gardnerville.
- Wednesday, April 24 between 4-7 p.m. Carson City Fuji Park Exhibit Hall located at 701 Old Clear Creek Road.
- The meetings will be held in an open-house format, with a formal presentation beginning at 5:30 p.m. The same informational presentation will be provided at each meeting.
- Both English and Spanish language will be available.
- Livestream: The formal project presentation will be live-streamed on April 23 at 5:30 p.m. via the NDOT Facebook page (@NevadaDOT).

Comments can be submitted at the public meeting or via instructions provided as part of the virtual public meeting.

Those needing additional assistance with access to the meeting can contact (702) 385-6509 or email jhopkins@dot.nv.gov.

The plan evaluates the long-term vision, needs, and priorities to develop a Corridor Action Plan for U.S. 395 between East Clearview Drive in Carson City and the Nevada-California border at Topaz Lake and provides the foundation for future environmental studies.

In a recent five-year period, eleven lives were lost on this section of the highway. The study, projected to be completed in summer 2024, will develop goals, recommendations, and strategies to enhance roadway safety and use, as well as provide decision-makers with guidance for potential corridor improvements in the future.

A second round of public meetings will gather additional public feedback on study recommendations before the study is finalized. Before the design and prioritization of any future highway improvements, a thorough review of potential benefits, physical challenges, environmental constraints, and more will be conducted.

The U.S. 395 Southern Sierra Corridor Study updates a previous corridor study, conducted in 2007, to reflect new population and transportation status and needs. The plan is being developed cooperatively with Douglas County, the Carson City Metropolitan Planning Organization, and other stakeholders and public participants who provide input.

Further state transportation information is available at dot.nv.gov or by calling (775) 888-7000.