Letter to the citizens of South Lake Tahoe about potential recall

In the coming days and weeks, you will see a recall petition circulating for me. I voted my conscience on an item before the city council and certain members of the public disagreed with that vote.

This recall petition seeks to remove me as your elected City Councilmember because I did my job. I considered all sides, followed the law and made a difficult decision on a controversial project. That’s what you elected me to do. I looked at all the evidence and considered the scope of our legal authority in deciding how to vote. Reasonable minds can disagree, as shown by the 3-2 vote approving the project. Recalling councilmembers on the winning side of a close vote is retaliatory, petty and a distraction from the priorities of our community especially in our current COVID-19 crisis.

The Council doesn’t always agree, but we’ve proven we work well together to resolve contentious issues based on the benefit of the whole community instead of the vocal minority.

Still, I’m determined to change our cell tower ordinance to gain more local control.

Without raising taxes, this Council has found funds for road repairs, snowplows, reopened fire station #2, added seven firefighters and two new policemen, we’re solving the complicated loop road issues and dealing with affordable housing. In school, 99 percent is an A. It should be enough to keep a good Councilmember.

Before you sign anything, all I respectfully ask is that you please contact me, twallace@cityofslt.us, (530) 545-2623.

Thank you for your consideration,

Tamara Wallace
Mayor Pro Tem
City of South Lake Tahoe