Cleanup of Tahoe Keys oil spill continues

Investigators from the Department of Fish and Wildlife Warden's office were at the Tahoe Keys Marina again on Wednesday, trying to find the source of an oil leak that was discovered on Monday, April 11. They were joined by a press information officer and a biologist, all from the agency's pollution office.

They said was no wildlife impact found at the scene, and all fish in the shallow marina and birds in the area didn't appear to be harmed by the oil.

The company hired to clean the marina, Clean Harbor, continues to have booms in place to trap any spilled oil in an area about 100 yards by 200 yards. They also placed absorbent pads on the surface to gather oil, and a skimmer was in the water to take in any oil from the surface of the water.

Fish and Wildlife took samples of the water Wednesday which will be tested to see what type of oil leaked which may lead them to the source. Lahontan Regional Quality Water Control Board already gathered samples as well.

Clean Harbor staff at the scene couldn't tell South Tahoe Now how much oil they estimated to be spilled, or how much they had filled their tanks with. A call to their corporate office was not returned.