California Senate appoints Bill Yeates to TRPA Governing Board

William “Bill” Yeates, a California attorney with 34 years of experience in environmental law, has joined the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Governing Board following an appointment by the California Senate Rules Committee.

The seat is one of 14 voting positions on the Lake Tahoe environmental planning agency’s board - seven representing California and seven representing Nevada. One board seat, appointed by the President of the United States, is non-voting.

Mr. Yeates, although retired from legal practice, currently serves as a mediator in the Third District of the California Court of Appeal. Over his career he has been involved in several landmark environmental and land use cases, has served as counsel for the California Coastal Commission and has helped form state environmental legislation and policies.

“Serving on the TRPA Board will provide an extraordinary opportunity and great challenge to serve the public’s interest in protecting the health of the Lake Tahoe Basin,” Yeates said. “I hope my years of experience in state and local land use policies, my willingness to work on solutions to difficult problems, and my training as an appellate mediator will be helpful in my role as a TRPA Governing Board member.”

Mr. Yeates began his legal career in 1978 as staff counsel for the California Coastal Commission. He holds a Master of Science Degree in Natural Resources from the University of Michigan and a law degree from the University of the Pacific McGeorge School of Law. His broad experience will be welcomed by the Agency, according to TRPA Executive Director Joanne S. Marchetta.

“We are pleased to have Bill Yeates on our Board and look forward to working with him during a new era of positive progress at Lake Tahoe,” Marchetta said. “His experience in helping the California Coastal Commission transition between regulatory frameworks will be valuable as TRPA implements the 2012 Regional Plan to restore Lake Tahoe while supporting local communities.”

The Tahoe Regional Planning Agency cooperatively leads the effort to preserve, restore, and enhance the unique natural and human environment of the Lake Tahoe Region now and in the future.

— Kristi Boosman is the Partnerships and Communications Officer for the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency. She can be reached at (775) 589-5230at (775) 589-5230 or email her at