Incident at South Tahoe Middle School not bullying as reported on social media

A couple of social media posts with accusations of bullying in a South Lake Tahoe school this week have led to outrage, several concerned parents, backlash and sign carrying parents in front of the school Friday morning.

While bullying is still prevalent across the country, what happened at South Tahoe Middle School (STMS) this week has been determined by all involved, including school officials, parents and law enforcement, to not be bullying but more of a wrong choice while playing with a friend.

One student threw rocks at their friend during a school break, hitting them.

Those in front of STMS Friday were carrying signs about throwing rocks, no bullying and being kind. Anti-bullying messages are always important and should not be ignored. The student who threw the rocks is now facing bullying and retaliation by other students, something which is also trying to be stopped.

Even with the original situation at STMS not being bullying, this should serve as a reminder that bullying should not be accepted, nor tolerated.

"The emotional and physical health of every student at LTUSD is a top priority of all staff," said Shannon Chandler, Executive Assistant to Superintendent Dr. Jim Tarwater and the District's Public Information Officer. "The District simply does not tolerate bullying, be it physical, verbal, or cyberbullying. School site staff and students receive consistent education in bullying prevention and all schools have established clear rules for student conduct related to bullying. Should it occur, there is an established reporting, investigation, and discipline process that is carried out. Students are encouraged to report bullying to their teachers or administrators, whether they have witnessed it, or are the subject of it, and staff are required to report bullying. Families are advised annually, and upon the reporting of an incident, that they have the right to file a formal complaint with the District and as well, file a complaint with local law enforcement."

South Tahoe Middle School has had a link on their website's home page ( and anonymous student-level Bully Reporting System which enables the safe and secure reporting of bullying incidents.