South Lake Tahoe Tourism Improvement District Board of Directors meeting

Event Date: 
May 23, 2024 - 1:00pm

The next South Lake Tahoe Tourism Improvement District Board of Directors Meeting will be held at Forest Suites Resort at 1 p.m. on Thursday, May 23, 2024.

The agenda

A. Call to Order

B. Roll Call
C. Introduction of Guests and Staff
D. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting (Attachment)
E. Approval of Agenda
F. Public Comment (Non-Agenda Items, 5-Minute Limit)

A. Discussion/Possible Action
i. Treasurer’s Report
1 Review of Current Financial Position
2 Attachment: Review of FY2024 Actual Financials
3 Attachment: FY2025 Budget
ii. Update on Lake Link On-Demand Shuttle Services
iii. SLTTID Special Projects Fund Update
iv. SLTTID Newsletter Update
v. LTVA Winter Campaign Recap
vi. LTVA Summer Marketing Campaign Overview
vii. LTVA Special Event Strategy Status
viii. Demo
ix. LTVA Let’s Leave Less/Drink Tahoe Tap Update
x. LTVA Awe and then Some Forum – Weds. June 12, 8:30-1pm
B. Board Member Comments
C. Public Comment (Non-Agenda Items, 5-Minute Limit)
D. Next Meeting: July 25, 2024. Discussion on Location Possibilities
E. Adjournment