School safety through processes and building reconfiguration a priority in South Lake Tahoe

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - On May 22, 2022, a single shooter walked into an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas and started shooting, killing 19 students and two teachers. Even though over 1,600 miles away, the senseless murders affect those in South Lake Tahoe and Lake Tahoe Unified School District (LTUSD).

"We are heartbroken over the tragic loss of children and adults at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas," said Pat Harnett, the District's Safety and Risk Management Coordinator. "All of us in LTUSD extend our sincerest condolences to all who are affected by this senseless act of violence. Whenever there is school violence, it causes fear and anxiety for parents, students and our staff. LTUSD is working to provide resources to school sites and our community to assist in helping our students and staff if there are questions about how to talk to children about this tragic event."

When Harnett was given the new role he was asked to update the LTUSD Comprehensive School Safety Plan (CSSP) for all school sites as well as the district as a whole.

"This plan is designed to address campus risks, prepare for emergencies, and create a safe, secure learning environment for students and school personnel," said Harnett. "The annual review of our Safety Plans is a collaborative effort with personnel from all sites and with input from School Site Councils (community members, parents/guardians, and students). As well, they were developed in partnership with various local agencies."

Not only is Harnett reviewing the CSSP, the safety of South Lake Tahoe school campuses has been under a facility microscope all year, even before the tragedy in Uvalde. School leadership and community partners have been developing a Facilities Master Plan that concentrates on the safety of students, staff, and schools.

LTUSD Superintendent Dr. Todd Cutler gave an outline to those attending his monthly open meeting with the public on Monday. Part of that plan answers the question - What do we want our schools to look like in the future? The plan will address schools' access points, driveways, revamping of front doors and hallways, fencing, security systems, and evaluation of window coverings on all windows.

It will take money to address all points on this plan, some can be done with current funds, and others will have to wait for future funding and a possible bond measure.

Cutler said he and SLT Police Chief David Stevenson talk often about safety and risks, and what a command center would look like in the case of an emergency. Prior to 1999 when the Columbine tragedy occurred, nobody was thinking about locking doors to keep potential threats away from students, or the possibility of a shooter on campus.

Cutler said they are not sharing all details of the plans publicly as they don't want the "bad guys" to know plans, but some of the safety plan will be public.

"CSSPs include strategies aimed at the prevention of, and the education about, potential incidents involving crime, violence, bullying, fire, and various other potential threats or emergencies on school campuses, from the aspect of both the physical and social-emotional safety of staff and students," said Harnett. "Through communication, education, and regular safety drills, our goal is to continue to provide a safe learning environment for all."

LTUSD will also have two School Resource Officers (SRO) from the South Lake Tahoe Police Department in the fall. Due to injury there has only been one CRO all school year, splitting his time between South Tahoe High and South Tahoe Middle School. Next school year each of those schools will have one dedicated to the campuses.