Master Gardners of Lake Tahoe high altitude plant clinic and sale

Event Date: 
June 29, 2024 - 11:00am

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - The Master Gardeners of Lake Tahoe are having a Community Plant Sale after a hiatus of a few years. While this event may be a bit smaller than those of past years, a selection of 25 ornamental species of both native and adaptive plants will be available including Blue Flax, Elderberry, Mock Orange, Twinberry, and Western Spiraea. These plants will flourish in the Tahoe Basin’s high-elevation environment.

CoWork Tahoe has graciously given their parking lot for the event.

Before the sale, there will be an hour-long Plant Clinic with Master Gardeners describing the plant offerings as well as answering gardening questions. The actual sale is only 90 minutes as plants usually sell fast.

Please note there is a limit of 10 native plants, 4 of any one species per person.

Proceeds from the sale support the organization’s programs to provide practical, scientific gardening information to both adult and youth home gardeners.

Date: Saturday, June 29, 2024
Place: CoWork Tahoe Parking Lot
3079 Harrison Avenue, South Lake Tahoe
Time: Plant Clinic, 11 a.m.
Plant Sale: 12 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.