Work begins on the Upper Truckee River and High Meadows projects

The U.S. Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit's upcoming field season has begun. On Monday, June 25, 2012, the Forest Service began constructing the staging area for the Upper Truckee River Reach 5 restoration project that will begin in 2013, at the former Sunset Stables site.

The work, which will continue for approximately two weeks, includes the installation of an approximately two acre aggregate base pad, which is designed to prevent the spread of noxious weeds into the project area.
In addition, the path of the new channel will be irrigated this season. Irrigation will promote vegetation growth for sod and other riparian vegetation that will be harvested and used in the new channel. Stakes marking the new channel and irrigation equipment will be installed in the meadow adjacent to the airport on the south side of the river. Irrigation likely will occur one to two times per week during July, August and September.

For additional information, contact Theresa Cody at or Sue Norman at (530) 543-2662 or email or visit

Continued work on the High Meadow restoration project is scheduled to begin Monday, July 9, 2012. This final phase of the Cold Creek channel reconstruction will include irrigation, installation of Best Management Practices, connecting the new stream channel built in 2010 to the existing channel, filling/decommissioning the old channel and construction of a temporary stream crossing over Cold Creek near the Upper Powerline Trail. For safety, the public is advised to stay away from heavy equipment working in the area. Work is expected to last until mid-October.

Work to upgrade 1.2 miles of High Meadow Road between the second gate and the Star Lake Trail intersection near the top of the road will also begin on Monday, July 9, 2012. Work will include reconstruction of the two stream crossings above the second gate on High Meadow Road and will involve use of heavy equipment and trucks hauling material, which will make the road impassable. For safety, hikers and mountain bikers are encouraged to use Cold Creek Trail as an alternate route during the construction in order to avoid heavy equipment. Work on the road is expected to be finished by the end of August 2012.

For additional information, contact Stephanie Heller at (530) 543-2838 or email or Jordan Burge at (530) 543-2694 or