El Dorado County Human Rights Commission on the supervisor's agenda

PLACERVILLE, Calif. - The El Dorado County Board of Supervisors will be addressing the County's Human Rights Commission during their meeting on Tuesday.

Supervisor Lori Parlin is recommending the Board consider providing direction to the Human Rights Commission (HRC) to require that the Commission update its bylaws with language to create a formal process for issues brought before them before putting any issues on their agenda.

According to the ordinance written when the Commission was created, the purpose is to promote tolerance and mutual respect among all persons, and to foster peaceful relations in the interest of preserving the public peace among residents of different races, religions, national origins, and the other characteristics listed in Government Code section 11135.

"The HRC serves all citizens of El Dorado County and is unique among other county commissions. As we move into the 21st century, Human Rights is more important than ever. The HRC should remain as a symbol to celebrate the values the County of El Dorado represents," said Commissioner Lara Gularte who represents the 3rd District.

HRC consists of seven members comprised of two members of the Board of Supervisors and each of the five elected board members nominate one member who is a full-time
resident of their respective Supervisorial District to serve on the commission.

The meeting starts at 9:00 a.m. and can be viewed here - https://eldorado.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx. Public comment is accepted during the meeting. The HRC is agenda item #30, the first scheduled section after consent items.